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☑ live a stressful life 生活压力大,stressful adj. 紧张的,有压力的。

☑ the competition is stiff 竞争激烈,stiff adj. 呆板的,严厉的,坚硬的。

☑ impair people’s health 破坏人的健康,impair v. 损害,减少。

e.g. Smoking is one of the main factors impairing people’s health. 吸烟是众多损坏人们健康的因素之一。

☑ the population is booming 人口爆炸

☑ restrict the development of … 限制……的发展

☑ lower the efficiency of… 降低……的效率

☑  stem from … /because of/ due to 某事由…导致,起源于,由于。

e.g. Confidence and fear are contradictory states of mind that both stem from our beliefs and attitudes. 自信和恐惧都来自于我们的信念和态度,但它们是互相矛盾的思维

☑ suffer from … 遭受…

☑ is a threat to… 对…构成威胁

☑ have detrimental influence upon… 对…产生有害的影响,detrimental adj. 不利的,有害的。

e.g. Some people believe that violent movies have detrimental influence upon juveniles. 部分人认为暴力电影对于青少年有不良影响。

 ☑ cope with/ deal with 解决,处理

☑ take measures to … 采取措施…

☑ there is a definite link between a and b a和b之间有密切的联系

e.g. The research indicates that there is a definite link between pressure and depression. 研究表明压力和抑郁间有紧密的联系。

☑  … is increasingly severe 越来越严重,increasingly adv. 越来越,逐渐增加的。

☑ … is monotonous 单调的

☑  cause psychological problems 造成心理问题,psychological adj. 心理的。

☑ give students/ citizens/someone motivation to…给学生/公民/某人 动力去……,促进某人去… motivation n. 动力,动机。

e.g. Lowering the fee of higher education will give more students motivation to get a college diploma rather than to drop out of school. 降低高等教育的学费可以促进更多学生获取大学学位,而不是选择辍学。

☑ narrow the gap between the wealthy and the impoverished 减少贫富差距,narrow the gap between … 弥合/减少…之间的差距,impoverish v. 使贫困。

☑ allocate money/funding to promote the development of… 投资于促进…的发展。

e.g. The government decided to allocate more funding to promote the development of education. 政府决定投资更多的钱促进教育发展。

☑ it is obvious/apparent that… 显而易见,…

e.g. It is apparent that study is more important than just playing. 很显然,学习比玩耍更重要。

☑ play a key role in … 起…的关键作用

☑ enhance the efficiency of… 提高…的效率

☑ enrich one’s experience in … 丰富某人…的经验

e.g. Running a student club may enrich your experience in event planning. 经营学生社团可以丰富你策划活动的经验。

☑ keep the society safe and stable 保持社会稳定

☑ have an obligation to do …有责任去… obligation n. 责任,义务,债务。

e.g. Everyone has an obligation to pay taxes.  每个人都有纳税的义务。

☑ afford people entertainment and pleasure 给人们提供娱乐

☑ create employment/job opportunities 创造就业机会

☑ put something in the first place / give priority to… 把…当成首要任务, 优先考虑…

e.g. We should put environment in the first place when choosing our traffic mode. 当选择交通方式时,我们应该首要考虑环境问题。

☑ is less time-consuming and more economical 省钱又省时间

broaden one’s horizons 开阔人的眼界,这个助手之前有讲过哦,很多同学容易写成broaden one’s eyesight, 完全是错的哦!

☑ contribute to … 为…作贡献

☑ be conducive to … 对…有益处

e.g. Wind farms are conducive to reduce Green House Gas emission, since they require no fossil fuel to generate power.


☑ fulfil one’s potential 发挥某人的潜力


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