墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3001
墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3003
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墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3002


More and more students are studying at universities abroad, either because it is cheaper, or because they feel they can receive a better education, or because it will provide them with greater professional opportunities.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. Support your arguments with reasons and/or examples from your own experience and observations.


It is a fact nowadays that more students prefer to study overseas. I agree with the trend that it is better for children to attend foreign universities. Specifically,, students will receive a better education, and it will help to open their minds.

There are plenty of universities around the world, and many of them provide better education resources. Thus, students may have more options and is able to choose an elite university rather than choosing one directly from their own country. Moreover, the ideas and ways of thinking are usually different abroad because of the cultural and understanding differences, which help students to open their minds.

However, the students will find it difficult to adapt to the lifestyle overseas. This is because they feel hard to build a relationship between local students due to communication problems and language barriers. Therefore, it will cause them to feel lonely, and the students suffer from it, which may result in some mental problems. Furthermore, the diets are so different that students cannot even enjoy their meal every day and have an unsatisfied experience abroad.

As a result, learning abroad has both positive and negative effects on students. In my opinion, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages because it is more important to broaden horizons and acquire comprehensive knowledge.

(214 words)

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