今天墨尔本PTE小编要给大家讲解的是 PTE口语题型针对练习 :描述图像Describe Image的折线图题型,下面我们就来看PTE考试题吧~! 这个图第一眼看过去真的十分杂乱,折线真是非常的“折”。
Unemployment rates by age and qualification
1.首先介绍图表主题是什么,折线图还需要提到数据分组有哪些,时间段是什么本题图的Title清楚的告诉我们,图上是Unemployment rates by age and qualification,数据是按照年龄分组的,同时时间是1992年到2010年。
万用句型This graph/chart/table/map etc. shows / illustrates/ demonstrates etc. the … of … from … to…
2.一般来说需要寻找4-5个Point来进行描述。折线图找Point的思路其实很简单,就是按顺序描述各数据分组的变化趋势,本题我们就可以按照从Age 16-17,Age 18-20,Age 21-24 no degree, Age 21-24 degree的顺序进行描述。
3.在描述各组数据时,关注数据的显著点,例如最高与最低点,或剧烈增长、剧烈降低的趋势,进行描述,例如Age 16-17这组,它的显著点就是:① 它是四组数据中最高的;② 它的最大值是2009年和2010年的45%。抓住这两点,这一组数据的描述就完成了~其他组数据依次类推~
4.数据值十分相近的,例如Age 21-24 no degree和Age 21-24 degree两组折线,可以抓住其相交的点,即数据相同的点进行描述,再进行一定的对比。
This graph shows the unemployment rate amongst people of different ages from 1992 to 2010. The rates for people aged 16-17 were the highest over the whole period, reaching 45% in 2009 and 2010. Between 1992 and 1995 the unemployment level for those aged 18-20 was about 25%, then dropped below 20% until 2008 when they continued to rise, reaching 27 to 28% in 2010. The levels of unemployment for those aged between 21-24 both with and without a degree followed a similar pattern, beginning at about 15 % in 1992 and ending at about 12% and 14% respectively in 2010. But apart from a period from about 1993-6 the level of unemployment was higher for those without a degree.