【PTE阅读】Reorder Paragraphs难题小练习,你能得几分?
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【PTE写作】Write Essay真题,满分范文详解

今天我们来解析一道PTE写作Write Essay的例题以及范文,相对来说Essay是PTE较为简单的题型,但是也不能掉以轻心,特别是想要冲击79分的同学,Essay更是要尽量取得高分才可以。赶快来看看这篇范文是怎么写的,有哪些要点吧!

Nowadays many young people leave home at an early age to either study or work in another city. Do you think this has more advantages or disadvantages for young people?

Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.

☑ 问题 Question: Advantages vs. Disadvantages
☑ 人物 Who: Young people
☑ 事件 What: Leave home, study or work
☑ 时间 When: At an early age
☑ 地点 Where: In another city
☑ 在写作文的过程中,需要注意的有四个方面General Linguistic Range, Development, Structure & Cohesion, Content, Vocabulary, 同时需要注意Grammar和Spelling不要犯错。

Sample Essay
☑ 下划线部分:格式套句,提升General Linguistic Range
☑ 蓝色部分:连接词,提升Development, Structure & Cohesion
☑ 红色部分:关键词语 Topic Related Vocabulary,提升 Content
☑ 绿色部分:固定搭配,提升Vocabulary

In recent times, it is a common trend that young people leave home at an early stage to study or work in another city. This trend is becoming more popular amongst young people because it has a number of benefits in doing so. I firmly believe that this has more advantages for young people, such as broadening one’s perspective in the working world and also allowing them to experience different cultures.

Traveling out of the city and getting out of a person’s comfort zone is proven to be one of the quickest ways to pick up new skills and even values. Young people who travel to study or work in another city are able to broaden their perspectives quickly as they have to adapt quickly to make the most out of it. For example, when a construction worker leaves his city to work on another project, he may be exposed to more economical and innovative approaches which he is able to then add into his repertoire.

Secondly, when young people move out to study or work in another city, they are also exposed to other cultures which may allow them to develop different values. Learning from other cultures apart from their own will enable them to appreciate the little things which they may have taken for granted.

In conclusion, it can be seen that leaving home at an early stage to study or work brings about numerous benefits such as the reasons above. Therefore, I strongly believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages for younger people to travel to another city for educational or employment reasons.



☑ Leave home at an early stage to study orwork in another city
☑ Traveling out of the city
☑ Move out to study or work in another city
☑ Travel to another city for educational oremployment reasons


Key Vocabulary
☑ exposed v. 暴露,揭露(expose的过去分词)
☑ adapt vt. 改编;使适应 vi. 适应
☑ amongst prep. 在…之中;在…当中(等于among)
☑ broaden vi. 变宽,加宽;扩大,变阔 vt. 使变宽;使扩大
☑ comfort n. 安慰;舒适;安慰者 vt. 安慰;使(痛苦等)缓和
☑ economical adj. 节约的, 节俭的, 经济的
☑ innovative adj. 新发明的, 新引进的; 革新的; 有改革精神的
☑ numerous adj. 很多的, 许多的
☑ repertoire n. 全部节目,全部的能力

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【PTE写作】Write Essay真题,满分范文详解
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【PTE阅读】Reorder Paragraphs难题小练习,你能得几分?


A. The report cited Bangladesh as one of more “potential impact hotspots” threatened by “extreme river floods, more intense tropical cyclones, rising sea levels and very high temperatures”.

B. Depicting life in a not-too-distant future shaped by already present warming trends, the report warns that even 20 to 30 years from now, shifting rain patterns could leave some areas under water and others without enough water for power generation, irrigation or drinking.

C. Cyclone Sidr exposed 3.45 million households to inundation. A potential 10 year return cyclone in 2050 could expose 9.7 million people to more than 3 meters of inundation affecting agriculture and lives.

D. South Asia is already experiencing a warming climate.

E. Bangladesh will be among the most affected countries in South Asia by an expected 2°c rise in the world’s average temperatures in the next decades, with rising sea levels and more extreme heat and more intense cyclones threatening food production, livelihoods, and infrastructure.


A. The report cited Bangladesh as one of more “potential impact hotspots” threatened by “extreme river floods, more intense tropical cyclones, rising sea levels and very high temperatures”.

【A选项提到了the report. 很明显它的前一个段落应该出现The report到底是什么。同时注意这里出现了cyclones这个关键词,它是report的第一个关键点,以及后面的high temperatures,它是report的第二个关键点。由此我们可以去判断接下来段落的顺序】

B. Depicting life in a not-too-distant future shaped by already present warming trends, the report warns that even 20 to 30 years from now, shifting rain patterns could leave some areas under water and others without enough water for power generation, irrigation or drinking.

【B选项同样提到了the report, 并且already present warming trends也是关键信息。根据A选项的内容我们可以判断B选项应该是出现在跟cyclone有关的段落之后的。】

C. Cyclone Sidr exposed 3.45 million households to inundation. A potential 10 year return cyclone in 2050 could expose 9.7 million people to more than 3 meters of inundation affecting agriculture and lives. 

【C选项提到了cyclone,浏览可以发现C选项讲解的是Example/Detail Figures for cyclones. 可以判断C应该是接在A之后,AC一分可以保证拿到。同时刚刚B选项我们已经判定是出现在cyclone相关段落之后的,所以CB的连接也可以确定了。】

D. South Asia is already experiencing a warming climate.


E. Bangladesh will be among the most affected countries in South Asia by an expected 2°c rise in the world’s average temperatures in the next decades, with rising sea levels and more extreme heat and more intense cyclones threatening food production, livelihoods, and infrastructure.



从能够找到的这段文字的原文来说,D是放在B之后的。所以最后的正确答案是EACBD。不过如果你放在句首,也不能算错啦~因为真的没什么太紧密的逻辑联系…PTE考试绝对不会出现此类模棱两可的情形,一般逻辑联系都会更紧密,仅有唯一的答案。所以大家不用纠结这题D的位置。更重要的是看看自己EA, AC, CB这三个逻辑关系比较紧密的段落有没有连接正确。

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