墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3020
墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3022
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墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3021


The idea of space travel is fantastic these days and scientists are very fascinated towards it. However, there are many environmental problems in our planet that we should resolve first before considering space travel that would cost a significant sum. What is your opinion? Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.

Space travel has always been a topic of interest between scientists as they believe that the Earth would eventually come to an end. Research on space costs huge amounts of money and some people argue that governments should be spending that money on resolving current environmental problems in Earth instead. In my opinion, I believe that governments should continue to fund space travel because it may help secure our future and also because money is not enough to change people.

Environmental problems around the Earth have become worse as time passes. This is because there are more factories being built each year to support various industries. Therefore, if this situation continues, there might be a time when we will have to consider another planet to live in. Although it is impossible for us to travel to another planet at the moment, scientists should continue carrying out their thorough research and hopefully they will eventually make a breakthrough.

Secondly, human behavior, which is the source of most environmental problems, is hard to change. Therefore, even if governments were to spend more money on trying to improve the current environmental problems, it may have too little of an impact and it would not be enough to improve the current issues. For example, although the governments have introduced numerous recycling initiatives, some ignorant people still fail to abide the laws.

In conclusion, I do agree to a certain extent that governments must take more action towards resolving current environmental problems. However, they should not sacrifice the funding for space travel as this is an important research that may lead to the possibility of a future for us.

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