墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3019
墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3021
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墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3020


Traveling overseas to study is overrated. We have brilliant scholars who have studied locally. In your opinion, is travel really required for higher studies? Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.

It has recently been a trend for students to travel overseas in order to further their studies. However, in my opinion, traveling overseas is not required to obtain a better education. This is because local education institutes are also capable of preparing you for your career. Furthermore, the success of a person’s career is based on his own efforts and not dependent on where he chooses to study.

One of the main reasons that students travel overseas to study is because they assume that they will be exposed to a better education system. Although this may be true to a certain extent, it is definitely not necessary for an individual to further his studies. Local education institutes are also capable of preparing someone for the future. For example, the syllabus which is covered in local universities is the same although the lecturers are different.

Secondly, a person’s success does not only depend on the education he receives, but also the effort he puts into his passion. Therefore, studying at a better university does not guarantee you a job or even a career. For example, if a student were to attend a prestigious university such as Harvard but fails to study, he will still be unable to graduate. This means that anyone who studies locally but works twice as hard will be able to perform just as well as a person who travels overseas to study.

In conclusion, studying overseas may have more options to further your studies, but is definitely not necessary to be successful in your career. Therefore, I believe that travel is not required for higher studies.

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