墨尔本PTE素材库——Marine Science
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墨尔本PTE素材库——Mars Madness

墨尔本PTE素材库——Mars Madness


在这个报道中,记者采访了一位澳洲小伙,他申请参加了Mars One Project. 这篇材料可以用来练习Re-tell以及Summarize spoken text。记者和被采访者探讨了一些关于他自己以及该火星探测项目的问题,大家也可以在听完之后,尝试回答一下这些问题:

  • What is Mars One Project?
  • Why did Tristan apply for the project?
  • What will they eat on Mars and why?
  • What will they do on Mars?

澳大利亚语言学院,定期会整理一定量的PTE Academic素材,整合成墨尔本PTE素材库,以供大家整理、学习PTE Academic 相关的素材话题。这些话题的种类基本都符合官方所给出的Question Criteria,比如科技类,比如医学类等等等等。无论是听力,阅读,写作,还是口语,PTE的题目涉及的话题种类都比较广,所以大家在平时练习自己的听力、阅读、口语的时候,都可以借助这些素材哦!只有了解了不同话题素材,才能让自己在考试中尽量发挥超常,分数UP UP UP!

上面的这些小Quiz,大家都回答出来了吗?那么下面这些Key Vocabulary呢?都认识嘛?

不认识的赶紧摘抄起来哦!对于上述问题有疑问的可以参考Full Transcript来解答哦!

【Key Vocabulary】

Mars n. 火星

evidence n. 证据

surface n. 表面,表层

scientific research 科学研究

one way trip 单程旅行

planetarium n. 天文馆,星象仪

insect n. 昆虫

protein n. 蛋白质




Full Transcript

NASA scientists say they’ve found more evidence that water used to flow across the surface of Mars. But these days, it’s pretty much just dust and rocks. Certainly not somewhere you’d want to live. We’ll that’s what we thought until Matt caught up with one young guy who’s already put up his hand.

It’s the start of a new day. Time to drag myself out of bed, make a cup of tea, and get ready for work. But when I open the front door, not everything’s as it should be.

OK, so that never really happened. But for one young Aussie, there’s a chance it could. Tristan’s one of two hundred thousand people who applied to be part of the Mars One project. Tristan’s made it to the final thousand, so he’s definitely in the running.

And for those selected, the prize is a one way trip to the planet Mars. Yep that’s right, he would be sent to live on the red planet and he could never come home! It’s a huge deal. So why would anyone want to do it? I’ve met Tristan to find out.

MATT: Hi Tristan.
TRISTAN: “Hi Matt, how’s it going?”
MATT: What are you looking at?
TRISTAN: “We’re trying to look for Mars.”
MATT: For Mars. Daytime? OK.
TRISTAN: “Nah, not really, can’t see that during the day.”
MATT: Well, where can we see it?
TRISTAN: “We might have to go to the planetarium for that.”


The whole idea of the Mars One project is that four people will be sent to live on Mars by 2024. And every so often, more people will join them. It might sound crazy, but apparently, it’s entirely possible. He says applying was a tough decision, though.

TRISTAN: “It would be very difficult to leave behind my family; brothers, sisters, and my dog. Which is very sad but you get to explore a whole new planet which no-one has ever been to before, and I just think that would be the most incredible adventure anyone could really do.”

And he hasn’t wasted any time preparing himself for life on the far-away planet.

TRISTAN: “Sometimes it’s very windy on mars so we might see little tornadoes flying around the place. Other than that, very orange, very red, very rocky, pretty much like a desert.”

MATT: “When you’re on Mars, what do you eat, what do you do?”

TRISTAN:” So we have to bring all our own food, we have to grow it all. We’ll have our own hydroponic set up. We can grow all our own fruit and veggies, and some insects.”

MATT: “Insects, not there just for fun, you’re supposed to eat them.”

TRISTAN: “Insects are very easy to keep, easy to maintain. They’re a good source of protein.”

MATT: “So you got to eat insects. You can’t make friends with Benny the cricket, you have to eat him.”

TRISTAN: “Yeah, very one way relationship there.”

MATT: “What if you get bored, what are you going to do? What if you can’t watch the next episode of Dance Academy, what then?”

TRISTAN: “There’ll be so much stuff to do, so much exploring. A lot of unis send experiments and scientific research we can do.”

If it all goes ahead, it’ll pave the way for a whole lot more people to live on Mars. But for now, I think I’m pretty comfortable right here on Earth!

(Source: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s3934606.htm )



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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。
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