墨尔本PTE素材库——Mars Madness
墨尔本PTE素材库——Russia Ban
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作为PTE的备考练习,大家可以把这篇文章当做Re-tell Lecture的素材,并且尝试回答以下问题:

  • 魁地奇的规则是什么?
  • Quaffle是什么?
  • 现实生活中的魁地奇,和魔法世界中的魁地奇有哪些区别?

澳大利亚语言学院,定期整理一些非常具有参考意义的PTE Academic素材,供大家学习!定期的训练有什么好处呢?由于这些话题的种类符合PTE官方所给出的Question Criteria,所以对于各位PTE考生而言,PTE素材库中的素材,是大家练习、提升自己语言能力,提高PTE各种题型答题技巧的绝佳原材料。例如,大家想要在平时练习自己re-tell lecture, summarize spoken text 等等题型的解题能力,那么就可以借助这些素材哦!

【Key Vocabulary】

flying broomsticks 飞天扫帚,能飞的扫帚

wizard n. 巫师,术士

a bunch of 一群,一束

rugby n. 英式橄榄球

handball n. 手球

-ish 像…的

opposing adj. 相对的,对面的

pitch n. 球场,投掷




Full Transcript

Quidditch is the magical game played on flying broomsticks by the characters of Harry Potter the books by JK Rowling. As in, it’s made up! But try telling that to the growing numbers of Muggles whose lack of magical powers won’t keep them off a broomstick. Here’s Matt.

MATTHEW HOLBROOK, REPORTER: Presenting the star seeker for Gryffindor, Matt Holbrook! Well, I can dream, right? It’s a dream Harry Potter fans the world over have shared, to play the wizarding game of Quidditch.

And while you may not be able to fly around, you can still give Quidditch a go. Well, the “muggle” version, anyway.

BRODIE: It’s a really different sport, but it combines a few different sports. Mostly it’s a bunch of fun, we get to hang out and throw a ball around with the broomsticks.

These guys are all pretty comfortable on a broomstick. There are the chasers, Kirsty, Alison, and Hayley. The beaters; Sarah and Brett. The keeper; Brodie. And finally, the seeker; Sarah. Together, they’re the Flinders Phoenixes!

Quidditch is played between two teams of seven players. The idea, score as many points as you can through the opposing team’s goals.

It’s up to the chasers to throw the ball, called the Quaffle, through the goals. Meanwhile, the beaters try to stop them by throwing balls, called bludgers. The keeper defends the goals. And finally, there’s the seeker. It’s their job to find the golden snitch. When the snitch is caught, the game ends.

KIRSTY: Quidditch is pretty much three different games playing at once. Chasers like me are playing a cross rugby, handball, netballish kind of thing. Beaters play dodgeball, knock each other out; and the seekers run around playing hide and seek with the snitch.

In the movies, the golden snitch looks like this. But in muggle Quidditch.

MATT: I’m the snitch, so I’m a ball, and I have this in my pants. The idea is that someone just has to take it from me. I clearly don’t want that to happen because this means a lot to me, so I have to run around like a maniac and avoid capture. Is that it?

BRODIE: That’s it!

While it’s clearly very different to the magical version. One thing is the same: you still need a good broomstick.

BRODIE: The whole point of the broomsticks is just a legacy to the Harry Potter books themselves. The rules are very different, but the brooms are just a throwback to the movies. Throughout the game you have to keep the brooms between your legs. If you dismount from the broomstick at any point you have to go back and touch the goals before you continue playing.

REFEREE: Red team ready? Blue team ready? The snitch is released.

I can go pretty much anywhere, but once they catch up to me, I’m doomed! And with the sock captured the game ends with thirty points awarded to the team who caught me.

MATT: I think I may have been a failed snitch. I didn’t last very long, but I did help one of the teams win the game, so I suppose that’s important?

Quidditch hasn’t been around that long, less than ten years, but it’s getting bigger all the time. There’s now even an Australian league and international events!

So if you’ve always dreamed of being a star of the Quidditch pitch, here’s your chance to pick up a broom and follow in Harry’s footsteps!

Extra vision courtesy Andrew Kasimir

(source: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s3939321.htm)


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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。
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