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Learn this list of words containing the common word roots bene (“good”) and mal (“bad”).

benediction 祝福;赐福

英文释义:a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection

e.g.We waited for him to speak, like a congregation expecting the minister’s benediction. – Fever 1793


benefactor 恩人;捐助者

英文释义:a person who helpspeople or institutions

e.g.He does just that, becoming a wealthy benefactor of the impoverished, a generous and kind man beyond compare. – A Deadly Wandering: A Mystery, a Landmark Investigation, and the Astonishing Science of Attention in the Digital Age


beneficence 行善;慈善

英文释义:the quality of being kind or helpful or generous

e.g.The best way you can take advantage of the beneficence of the mentor is to be prepared and follow up on their suggestions. – US News (Aug 12, 2016)


beneficent 慈善的;善行的

英文释义:doing or producinggood

e.g.No thoughtful man can fail to appreciate its beneficent effect upon our institutions and people. – Washington Post (Jan 21, 2016)


beneficial 有益的;有利的

英文释义:promoting or enhancingwell-being

e.g.Education at any stage of life is beneficial for brain health, from an online course to classes at your local community center or college. – Los Angeles Times (Jun 2,2017)


benefit 利益;好处

英文释义:something that aids or promotes well-being

e.g.One benefit of summer was that each day we had more light to read by. – The Glass Castle


benevolence 仁慈;善行

英文释义:disposition to do good

e.g.He sometimes wondered if the country had lost its moral center, its sense of benevolence. – Friday Night Lights: A Town, A Team, And A Dream


benevolent 仁慈的;慈善的

英文释义:showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding

e.g.She smiles down upon them, always the same benevolent smile, and is described as radiant. – Cat’s Eye


benign 良性的;和蔼的

英文释义:kind in disposition or manner

e.g.There was no benign smile upon Dumbledore’s face, no twinkle in the eyes behind the spectacles. – Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire


dismal 凄凉的

英文释义:causing dejection

e.g.People like to predict the future, often a dismal future, but the future is not written. – The Guardian (Jun 18, 2017)


maladroit 笨拙的;愚钝的

英文释义:not quick or skillful in action or thought

e.g.He had been maladroit, he thought, had lost his presence of mind. – Ward, Humphry,Mrs.


malady 弊病

英文释义:impairment of normal physiological function

e.g.The general advice trends toward aiming for a healthy weight, eating nutritious food and getting exercise to prevent health maladies. – Washington Times (Apr 4,2017)

对比记忆:大家注意malady的读音[‘mælədɪ]如果读成了[‘melədɪ] 意思就天差地别了:


n. 旋律;歌曲;美妙的音乐

malaria 疟疾;瘴气

英文释义:a disease caused by parasites transmitted by mosquito bite

e.g.He fell ill with malaria and nothing the healer concocted saved him. – The Color Purple


malcontent 不满的;不服的

英文释义:dissatisfied as toward authority

e.g.He dismissed them as “a malcontent group that is very vocal.” – New York Times (Feb10, 2017)


malefactor 作恶者;坏人

英文释义:someone who has been legally convicted of a crime

e.g.But the emphasis can’t be only on prosecuting those malefactors, or protecting the whistle blowers who reveal their identities. – The Guardian (May 24, 2015)


malevolent 恶毒的;坏心肠的

英文释义:wishing or appearing to wish evil to others

e.g.His Willy Wonka was gentle and generous but also vaguely malevolent—though only if you were a child bent on misbehaving. – Time (Aug 29, 2016)


malfeasance 渎职;违法行为

英文释义:wrongful conduct by a public official

e.g.The government would be accused of negligence, incompetence, even malfeasance in its handling of the case. – New York Times (Jun 19, 2017)


malice 恶意;怨恨

英文释义:feeling a need to see others suffer

e.g.It still surprises me to hear such malice in his voice. – Red Queen


malignant 恶性的;有害的

英文释义:dangerous to health

e.g.It was not clear whether the lesion was benign or malignant. – Reuters (May 24, 2017)


malodorous 有恶臭的;令人极为反感的

英文释义:having an unpleasantsmell

e.g.Malodorous trash piled up on the sidewalks of Beirut in August after the government closeda main landfill, suspending garbage collection. – US News (Sep 1, 2015)


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