【PTE词汇】口语,写作,日常生活都必备! Contra-/Counter-词根词汇
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Learn these list of words that contain the Greek root auto, meaningself.”

autobiography 自传;自传文学

英文释义:a book or account of your own life

e.g. “What I saw shocked and saddened me,” she wrote in her autobiography. – Washington Post (Jun 15, 2017)

autochthonous 土著的

英文释义:originating where it is found

e.g. He also grows about 30 other vegetables or herbs for Mr. Alija, from the autochthonous to the exotic. – New York Times (Jun 8, 2016)


英文释义:a political system governed by a single individual

e.g. For an autocracy becoming a democracy, it’s a question of expanding the number of people to which you’re accountable.Salon (Feb 4, 2017)

autocrat 独裁者

英文释义:a cruel and oppressive dictator

e.g. Those countries are often run by autocrats who use the wealth in the ground to enrich themselves and crush opposition.The New Yorker (Apr 2, 2017)

autocratic 专制的

英文释义:characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule

e.g. Our reporter in Turkey talks about his extensive travel around the country, and how its autocratic president is seizing power.New York Times (May 18, 2017)

autodidact 自学者

英文释义:a person who has taught himself

e.g. By age 18, he was a voracious autodidact, searching online for music tutorials to enhance his growing skills.Washington Post (Jun 2, 2016)

autograph 亲笔签名

英文释义:a person’s own signature

e.g. But, he said, it still means a lot when kids recognize him and ask for an autograph or photo.Washington Times (May 13, 2017)

autoimmune 自身免疫的

英文释义:relating to the response of the body against substances

e.g. Money raised helps fund new research programs to fight the autoimmune disease. – Los Angeles Times (Feb 24, 2017)

automatic 自动的

英文释义:operating with minimal human intervention

e.g. Somebody put a nickel in an automatic phonograph and they listened to the music. – Native Son

automation 自动化

英文释义:the act of implementing the control of equipment

e.g. The case for open trade will be successful only if it also addresses the main drivers of unemployment, such as automation and inadequate training. – Time (Jun 15, 2017)

automobile 汽车

英文释义:a motor vehicle with four wheels

e.g. Every day after work, Noah wheeled the big automobile into the driveway and asked his youngest daughter, “What did you learn today?” – Hidden Figures

automotive 汽车的

英文释义:containing within itself the means of propulsion or movement

e.g. The change in rural life due to automotive vehicles can hardly be exaggerated. – Sanderson, Dwight

autonomous 自治的

英文释义:existing as an independent entity

e.g. It hopes to test autonomous cars without a driver this year. – Reuters (Jun 15, 2017)

autonomy 自治权

英文释义:political independence

e.g. The Kurdistan region, with a population of about 5 million, enjoys a high degree of autonomy, including its own parliament and armed forces. – Washington Post (Jun 7, 2017)

autopsy 验尸

英文释义:an examination and dissection of a dead body

e.g. It was photographed and then the surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Barnes, who had tended to Lincoln in the president’s final hours, performed an autopsy. – Lincoln’s Last Days: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever


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