墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3033
墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3035
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墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3034


Many people think that different types of regions affect a person’s success. What is your opinion about native regions and the influence that a successful person can have on the native region that he belongs to?

Many people think that it is very rare for a person of native background to be successful. This may be due to the fact that native regions are regions of the less fortunate as they are behind in terms of economy and technology. However, I believe that it is possible for a person to be successful if the right amount of effort and guidance is provided. A success story will also be able to influence the others in the native regions.

Success depends on the sheer effort that an individual puts in to achieve his goals. Despite the lack of studying material or technology, it is still possible to gain knowledge via other sources such as books and writings. For example, although there may not be computers in a third world country which limits children’s learning they are still able to gain knowledge through books and certified teachers.

When a person of native background reaches success, not only will he be able to bask in his glory, but he is also able to share his knowledge and experiences with his fellow native residents. For example, he is able to hold seminars in schools to share with the students his life experiences and influence them to work as hard as he did.

In conclusion, it definitely is one of the rarer sights to see a successful person of native background, but it is not impossible. Success is achievable through hard work and determination. However, the successful person must not forget his roots and play his role in ensuring that the future generations are also exposed to his experiences.

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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。
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