墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3005
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墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3006


Computer technology has had more of a negative than a positive impact on society.

How far do you agree with this statement? Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience.

Ever since the computer has been introduced prior to the Information Age, its invention has brought about numerous benefits. Therefore, I disagree with the statement that ‘computer technology has had more of a negative than a positive impact on society’. I believe that computers have brought about benefits such as improving work efficiency and also improved information sharing.

Nowadays, computers are essential in every company, as they are required to perform numerous tasks. Office workers such as accountants and engineers use computers daily to carry out their calculations and send e-mails to corresponding parties. Computers have allowed for the improvement of work efficiency as these calculations are now able to be performed within seconds, as compared to years ago when all calculations were done manually.

Secondly, computers have also allowed information sharing to be done easily worldwide. A story reported and published by a company in Australia is accessible by residents in America. This shows that everyone around the world is linked by the Internet which is only possible due to the invention of computers.

Although some people claim that computers may bring about negative impacts such as causing us to be less productive, I disagree with that statement. I believe it is up to computers users’ discretion on how they want to spend their time using it. Therefore, I disagree with the statement and believe that computers have brought numerous positive impacts on society.

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