墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3002
墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3004
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墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3003



Most people in what are known as the developed nations have homes full of gadgets and labor-saving devices, from vacuum cleaners and dishwashers to the latest in computer technology. Some people claim that despite all these labor-saving devices, we seem to have less free time.

In your opinion, has technology improved the quality of life or made it more complicated? Support your arguments with reasons and/or examples from your own experience and observations.

Due to the increasing development of technology, there have been numerous changes in our daily lives. In my opinion, technology plays a crucial role and improves our living standard significantly. Some of the reasons include time-saving due to the labor-saving devices and also the improvement in transportation infrastructures.

The devices used at home are able to save time for people because they are able to help us in doing housework. Specifically, cleaning at home is time-consuming because we have to wash the dishes and clean floors by hand. However, with the help of dishwashers and auto-cleaning machines, people no longer have to spend the time to do the cleaning, giving them more time to earn money or take a rest.

Furthermore, the development in transportation helps people to enjoy trips around the world. Citizens are now more willing to explore the world due to modern technology used in planes and trains that are able to make trips cheaper and shorter than before. Therefore, people are more likely to visit countries overseas to enjoy the beauty of nature as well as different cultures. As a result, technology adds colors to our lives.

Although some people claim that technology will cause us to become less productive, I believe that this is not true as the benefits greatly outweigh the drawbacks in my opinion. Based on the examples above, I strongly believe that we will have a higher living standard with the help of technology.

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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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