墨尔本PTE Summarize written text 总结归纳段落 29
墨尔本PTE Summarize written text 总结归纳段落 31
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墨尔本PTE Summarize written text 总结归纳段落 30


Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.


It may not look like much now, but this could be the future of transport. It’s called Hyperloop and this week it completed its first successful test in the Nevada desert.
If the idea becomes a reality, the Hyperloop will whisk people and cargo through low-pressure tubes at the speed of sound. The system will be fully autonomous, powered by electricity, and the pods will levitate, using electro-magnetism to reduce friction.
“It’s not about getting somewhere; it’s about being somewhere. We’re not trying to optimise the transportation experience — we’re trying to eliminate it. So we think this is great. I think you guys think this is great. What are we going to do? Let’s build it!”
This is just a prototype. The sled of the Hyperloop accelerated to 116 mph (187 kph) in just over a second. But the real thing will, in theory, be a great deal faster again, completing the journey from San Francisco to LA in just 30 minutes.



The Hyperloop which could be the future of fully autonomous transport has just successfully completed its first test in the Nevada desert and this prototype could eliminate the transportation experience due to its incredibly fast speeds.

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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。
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