今天墨尔本PTE小编要给大家讲解的是 PTE口语秘籍 描述图像Describe Image的地图题应该以怎样的思路来解答。地图题也是一类难点题目,因为信息分散,重点不突出。那么我们这就来看看地图题应该以怎么样的思路来答题吧!
1.Describe Image从Overview开始
This image describes/illustrates/demonstrates …
This is a map that shows …
这点就考验备考PTE的同学们的识图能力了,任何类型的Describe Image都需要你判断信息的显著性,再从最显著的数据开始进行描述。同时一定的地理常识也是要有的,不然遇到像这道题一样,地图上什么地名都没有标注的题目,是不是就傻眼了呢?
This image illustrates a world map that displays which parts of the world are most densely forested and it also shows the distribution of two types of forest, which are evergreen and deciduous. (Overview)
The most densely-forested area is in North region of South America, with most of the forests being evergreen. (Point 1)
At the same latitude, there are dense forests in Africa as well, with both evergreen and deciduous forests. (Point 2)
Other areas with dense forests are North Europe, North Russia, and South East Asia. (Point 3)