墨尔本PTE考试题型介绍及答题技巧之PTE写作题型Summarize Written Text
墨尔本PTE考试题型介绍及答题技巧之PTE写作题型Summarize Written Text
墨尔本PTE考试最新复习备战知识贴PTE阅读Fill In The Blanks例题分析
墨尔本PTE考试最新复习备战知识贴PTE阅读Fill In The Blanks例题分析
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以下 PTE阅读原文 :


It is possible to study the curriculum (n. 课程)of an educational institution from a number of different perspectives. In the first instance(首先), we can look at curriculum planning, that is at decision-making, in relation to (涉及) identifying learners’ needs and purposes; establishing goals and objectives; selecting and grading content; organising appropriate learning arrangements and learner groupings; selecting, adapting or developing appropriate materials, learning tasks and assessment and evaluation tools.


Alternatively (adv. 或者), we can study the curriculum in action, as it were. This second perspective takes us into the classroom itself. Here, we can observe (v.  观察) the teaching/learning process and study the ways in which the intentions of (…的意图) the curriculum planners, which were developed during the planning phase, are put into action (实施,采取行动).


Yet another perspective relates to assessment and evaluation (评估和评价). From this perspective we would try and find out what students had learned and what they had failed to learn, in relation to what had been planned. In addition we might want to find out if they had learned anything which had not been planned.


Q: Which of these ways of looking at an institution’s curriculum is outlined in the text?


  A. observing what happens during lessons (文中第二段也出现了observe这个词,提示我们可以在第二段寻找相关内容,不难看出第二段红色高亮部分表达了这个观察的过程)

B. evaluating the materials used

C. analysing the content of tests

 D. considering what is taken into account when preparing the curriculum (选项中红色部分说明是关于课程准备和规划过程的问题,不难发现第一段整段都在讲述这个内容)

E. comparing this curriculum with other choices that could have been made

√ F. reviewing actual learning compared to curriculum goals (review说明应该是在评估和评价阶段发生的事,所以应该在第三段寻找是否有关于这一比较的相关内容。第三段中红色高亮的关键词可以看出这个选项是正确的)

G assessing the effectiveness of teacher preparation for lessons



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