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墨尔本PTE素材库——Social Media Anxiety

墨尔本PTE素材库——Social Media Anxiety



这段报道讲述了在澳洲青少年中一种常见的导致焦虑的原因:社交网站。大家可以把这个当成Re-tell Lecture的素材,在听完之后尝试复述一下报道的内容,主要的关注点在:

  • What is social media anxiety?
  • What’s the two main aspects of social anxiety?
  • How to solve this problem?


澳大利亚语言学院,定期会整理、发布一些非常具有参考意义的PTE Academic素材,整合成墨尔本PTE素材库。由于这些视频/音频的话题种类符合PTE官方所给出的Question Criteria,所以能给各位PTE的考生提供大量有用的练习素材,同时也能帮助大家从不同方面不同领域提升英语能力!如果能够合理的运用这些素材,摘录学习vocabulary和一些native的表达,那么对于听力阅读写作口语这四项的提升帮助都非常大!

【Key Vocabulary】

anxious adj. 焦虑的

staged shot 摆拍照片

reality n. 现实

scroll v. 翻页,滚动

exclude v. 排除,排斥

jealous adj. 嫉妒的,猜疑的

fortunate adj. 幸运的

left out 被遗忘,忽视,漏掉

in-joke 小范围笑话,内部笑话

pressure n. 压力

celebrity n. 名人

promote v. 宣传,推广



Full Transcript

A new study has found half of all teens feel anxious about missing out when they see what others post online. The findings come just days after a young girl with more than half a million Instagram followers quit the site because she felt her staged shots were making other kids feel bad. Amelia took a closer look.

For a lot of people, posting pictures online has become an important part of life! And although they’re not always strictly reality, if you’re scrolling through social media it can leave you feeling like you’re missing out.

REPORTER: Hey, why didn’t they include me?

SOPHIA: When kids see their friends go out without them or their friends post a photo without them they feel left out and excluded and like, they’re not wanted there sometimes maybe.

JACOB: Well it can make people feel like they’re not wanted like when their friends are out doing other things like at the beach, it may make people feel not important.

SAM: People get jealous of what other people have because maybe they’re not as fortunate or as lucky as them and they feel a bit sad and they don’t feel like they’re as good as them.

A new report has found a lot of Aussie teenagers are feeling anxious because of what they see posted online. A lot of them worry about missing out on the things their friends are doing, getting left out of injokes and are afraid their friends have better lives than they do. Experts say many kids also feel pressure to look like the people they see on social media too.

TAMIKA: Some girls like try and make themselves look really good and then try and take a perfect photo.

SAM: If you see a really good photo of one of your mates and you don’t think you look that great, you can feel a bit insecure about yourself.

GEORGIA: I think that social media makes people feel bad because they see lots of celebrities on social media and they’ve got perfect skin, perfect body and that makes them feel like I’m not like that.

It’s an issue this Aussie teenager knows a lot about.

ESSENA: I quit social media because of my 12 year old self. And I want everyone to know that, at 12 I was miserable because of the numbers I saw on a screen.

Essena has a following of more than 500 thousand people on Instagram, but recently she decided to delete nearly all her photos. She said they were tricking other young people into thinking her life was perfect and that wasn’t the truth.

ESSENA: I spent 12 to 16 wishing I was this perfect person online, then I spent 16 to 18 proving my life on social media. Perfecting myself enough to be that person.

Essena said that, like lots of people, she’d take hundreds of photos to get the right one, she’d act like she was having a great time when she wasn’t, and she was often paid to promote brands or products in her photos that she didn’t really use.

REPORTER: Experts say it’s really important for young people to remember that what they see on social media isn’t actually real life. And when you’re old enough to use these sites, the best thing to do is just enjoy being you!

They also say it’s a good idea for young people to avoid spending too much time on social media and instead, make the most of the real world just beyond the screen.

GEORGIA: You have to be where you are in the moment and be happy with what you’re doing at the time.

SAM: Just using social media as a tool to connect with your friends, share photos be 100% true to yourself, and yeah.

(Source: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4349664.htm)


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