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墨尔本PTE素材库—high sugar diet makes flies drop like flies

high sugar diet makes flies drop like flies 中文批注 这篇文章讲述的是关于高糖分的食

墨尔本PTE素材库—Forensic Science Trials With Errors

Forensic Science Trails with Errors 中文批注 这篇文章的话题或许是大家平时并不常接触的,比较偏门,是关于Forensic Study的。究竟Forensic st

墨尔本PTE素材库—The true bottom of the food chain is plenty polluted

The True Bottom of the Food Chain is Plenty Polluted 中文批注 这篇文章的难度稍微有点大,一是因为要求的词汇量相对较高,二是因为文章的内容不那么容易理解。所以如

墨尔本PTE素材库—Blood Cells Remember Your Mountain Vacation

Blood Cells Remember Your Mountain Vacation 中文批注 这篇文章的内容是关于爬山和红细胞蛋白之间的联系。爬的越高,可能让你放慢脚步的不一定是陡

墨尔本PTE素材库——African Penguins Pulled into an Ecological Trap

African Penguins Pulled into an Ecological Trap 中文批注 这篇关于企鹅的文章,讲述了在海洋环境变化的印象下,African Penguins难以觅食的
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