【PTE词汇】Business Administration相关词汇
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DI起手句式必定是描述图片类型和内容,一般直接读图片title就可以。那么首先我们要找到题目的Title,这张图片我们可以说This is a flow chart and it is about energy and human life. 注意,DI尽量采用简单句,不要想着去用花哨的句型,不会给你加分,用错反而扣分。在下面外教给出的参考答案中,他使用了一些从句和长句。但是各位同学在考试没有把握时,可以全部使用简单句,避免出错。


第二句话描述整个流程图有多少步骤,最简单的方法就是数箭头。比如本题中一共有6个箭头,那么就是6步。我们可以说According to the graph, there are 6 different steps/procedures. (不会procedure这个单词的同学去面壁思过!基础词汇需要加强啦!)

不过这个也不是一定的,当然也可以根据自己的理解来进行修改,比如在下面要给出的第三步中,外教按照自己的理解,认为这幅图只有两个步骤,那么他就说的是2 steps。



在无法准确描述图片上具体有几个步骤的情况下,我们可以直接说there are many different steps/stages/procedures. 当然实际考试里很少很少出现如此复杂的流程图,即使出现了我们也不要慌,不需要你cover到图片里的全部内容,答题时优先保证流畅性即可。



在这个题目中我们就可以说: Firstly, chemical energy, including carbohydrates, fats, and others, will turn into ATP, heat and chemical waste, including carbon dioxide and water.  Then, ATP, which is the body’s energy currency will transfer into heat by metabolism.

这个题有一个隐藏的考点需要大家注意的是carbohydratescarbon dioxide, 以及metabolism的发音,特别是重音。很多同学由于不认识这些单词,很容易发错,从而导致被扣分。记得仔细听一下下面外教的语音示范哦!

– carbohydrates /ˌkɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt/ 碳水化合物

– carbon dioxide   /ˈkɑːbən daɪˈɒksaɪd/ 二氧化碳

– metabolism /mɪˈtæbəˌlɪzəm/ 新陈代谢



这种时候只要祭出我们的结论万能句型IN CONCLUSION…就可以了~本题内容是可以直接再次按照标题说就好,很多题都可以这么来,但还是要根据题目具体内容来确定Conclusion的具体内容哦。

所以最后一句我们可以说: In conclusion, this is how human beings take in daily energy.

附上外教满分Sample Answer


This is a flow chart and it is about energy and human lifeAccording to the graph, there are 2 different steps or proceduresFirstly, chemical energy, including carbohydrates, fats, and others, will turn into ATP, heat and chemical waste, including carbon dioxide and water. Then, ATP, which is the body’s energy currency will transfer into heat by metabolism. In conclusion, this is how human beings take in daily energy.

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【PTE词汇】Business Administration相关词汇

今天给大家带来的词汇是Business Administration相关的词汇,很多同学可能不知道的是,PTE考试的相关话题中有一大类就是Business Administration. 所以这方面的词汇是不可或缺的哦!大家赶快来学习吧~

1. accreditation n. 委派,认证,资格认可

the act of granting official approval or recognition

2. entity n. 实体

that which is perceived to have its own distinct existence

3. proactive adj. 前摄的,有前瞻性的

causing something to happen rather than waiting to respond

4. internship n. 实习期,实习

the position of one working for an expert to learn a trade

5. tort n. 侵权行为

a wrong doing for which an action for damages may be brought

6. oriented adj. 导向的,定向的

adjusted or located in relation to surroundings

7. administrator n. 管理人,行政官

someone who manages a government agency or department

8. operational adj. 操作的,运作的

pertaining to a series of actions for achieving a result

9. shareholder n. 股东,股票持有人

someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation

10. management n. 管理

the act of controlling something

11. corporation n. 公司,法人(团体)

a business firm recognized by law as a single body

12. corporate adj. 法人的,共同的,公司的

of or belonging to a business firm

13. liability n. 责任,债务

the state of being legally obliged and responsible

14. partnership n. 合伙

a cooperative relationship between peopleor groups

15. statutory adj. 法定的,法令的

relating to or created by regulations

16. ensure v. 保证,确保

make certain of

17.  bureaucratic adj. 官僚的

of or relating to unnecessary procedures and red tape

18.  abridged adj. 删节的,削减的

shortened by condensing or rewriting

19.  governance n. 管理,统治,支配

the act of exercising authority

20.  accounting n. 会计,会计学

a system that gives quantitative information about finances

21.  defining adj. 典型的,起决定作用的

the process of determining the form ormeaning of something

22.  functional adj. 功能的

designed for or capable of a particular use

23.  restructure v. 调整,更改结构

form anew

24.  cooperative adj. 合作的

involving the joint activity of two or more

25.  vendor n. 卖主,供应商

someone who exchanges goods or services formoney

26.  administration n. 管理,行政

the act of governing or exercising authority

27.  function n. 功能,职责

what something is used for

28.  jurisdiction n. 司法权,管辖权

the territory within which power can be exercised

29.  objective n. 目的,目标

the goal intended to be attained

30.  marketing n. 行销,销售

the commercial processes in promoting and selling something

31.  subsidiary n. 子公司

functioning in a supporting capacity

32.  consistency n. 一致性,相容性

a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts

33.  operation n. 操作,经营

process or manner of functioning

34.  personnel n. 人事部门,全体人员

group of people willing to obey orders

35.  executive n. 总经理,执行委员会,执行者

a person responsible for the administration of a business

36.  monitor n. 监控,监督员

someone who observes to ensure fairness or prevent mistakes

37.  output n. 输出,产量

production of a certain amount

38.  resource n. 资源,财力

aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed

39.  delegate n. 代表v. 委派

a person appointed or elected to represent others

40.  creditor n. 债权人

a person to whom money is owed by a debtor

41.  charitable adj. 慈善事业的

relating to or characterized by voluntary giving

42.  manager n. 经理,管理人员

someone who controls resources and expenditures

43.  finance n. 财政,金融

the commercial activity of providing funds and capital

44.  charter n. 执照,宪章

a document creating an institution and specifying its rights

45.  proprietor n. 业主,经营者

someone who owns a business

46.  pension n. 退休金,抚恤金

regular payment to allow a person to subsist without working

47.  charity n. 慈善

an institution set up to provide help to the needy

48.  partner n. 合伙人

a person who is a member of a cooperative relationship

49.  representative n. 代表,adj.典型的

serving to typify

50.  staff n. 职员

a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose


51.  train v. 培训

educate for a future role or function

52.  contract n. 合同

a binding agreement that is enforceable by law

53.  capital n. 大写字母,资本家,资金

a large sum of money which you use to start a business, or which you invest in order to make more money

54.  stock n. 股份,库存

a supply of something available for future use

55.  policy n. 政策,方针

a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group

56.  trust n. 信任,信赖

belief in the honesty and reliability of others

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