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【PTE真题】Summarize Written Text真题解析


最近有一位考生向我们提供了他回忆的PTE Summarise Written Text的考题,并向我们求证了答案。题目中提到了一个纳米比亚的女孩,叫Pascolena Florry,提到了关于野生动物的话题。澳大利亚语言学院的老师们根据这位同学提供的线索尽可能地还原了文章,并在这里为各位考生分析这道题,到底怎么做。赶快来看一看吧!也许下次你在考试中就会遇到它哦!



When Namibia gained independence in 1990, teenager Pascolena Florry was herding goats in the country’s dry, desolate northern savannah. Her job, unpaid and dangerous, was to protect her parents’ livestock from preying jackals and leopards. She saw wildlife as the enemy, and many of the other indigenous inhabitants of Namibia’s rural communal lands shared her view. Wildlife poaching was commonplace. Fifteen years later, 31-year-old Pascolena’s life and outlook are very different. She has built a previously undreamed-of career in tourism and is the first black Namibian to be appointed manager of a guest lodge. Her village, and hundreds of others, have directly benefited from government efforts to devolve wildlife management and tourism development on communal lands to conservancies run by indigenous peoples. “Now we see the wildlife as our way of creating jobs and opportunities as the tourism industry grows,” she says. “The future is better with wildlife around, not only for jobs, but also for the environment”.

Namibia’s establishment of conservancies is among the most successful efforts by developing nations to decentralize natural resource management and simultaneously combat poverty. In fact, it is one of the largest-scale demonstrations of so-called “community-based natural resource management” and the state-sanctioned empowerment of local communities. Most conservancies are run by elected committees of local people, to whom the government devolves user rights over wildlife within the conservancy boundaries. Technical assistance in managing the conservancy is provided by government officials and local and international nongovernmental organizations. In late 2004, 31 conservancies were operating on 7.8 million hectares of desert, savannah, and woodlands occupied by 98,000 people.


Conservancy n. 保留地,保护区;conserve的变形

Communal adj. 公有的,公用的,社区的;community的变形

Indigenous adj. 土著的;比如澳洲的土著我们也可以称为Aboriginal People

Boundary n. 边界,国界;bound的变形,也可以形容事物的轮廓

Decentralize adj. 分散的,离开中心的;central的否定变形

Desolate adj. 荒凉的;著名的霍比特人第二部就叫The Desolation of Smaug,意为史矛革(巨龙)的荒原

Devolve v. 下放,放权;源于拉丁文de- = down,-volvee = roll,意为to roll down

Empowerment n. 赋予权力,使…拥有力量;power的变形

Herding n. 放牧;herd也有牛羊群的意思

Jackal n. 豺狼;看过狮子王的话,一定会记得里面作为反派角色的土狼们吧。它们就是Jackals。

Leopard n. 豹子,雪豹;用过Mac OS的同学可能会知道,Leopards是其中的一个版本。升级版记得是Lion。

Poaching n. 盗猎;这里指的是人类的偷捕,属于违法行为

Preying n. 捕猎;这里指的是自然界动物的捕食,属于自然界的正常行为

这是一篇非常有意思的文章,也很好地反映了PTE的一个考点:对于文章大意的理解。这两段内容究竟想要表述什么呢?我们来大致理一下文章的脉络:文章整体分为2节,第一节讲述了一个叫Pascolena Florry的女孩的故事,而第二段描述了Namibia这个国家的自然保护区。

于是,很多同学都会把Summary写成一个小女孩的人生,说她经历了怎样的变化。但是,如果这样回答的话,方向是完全错误的,会导致内容上的失分。关于这点,我们可以先剧透一下,这篇文章的标题是:NATURE IN LOCAL HANDS: TheCase for Namibia’s Conservancies. (有兴趣的同学可以阅读原文链接:http://www.grida.no/wrr/046.htm







Namibia’sestablishment of conservancies is among the most successfulefforts by developing nations to decentralize natural resource management andsimultaneously combat poverty.(Topic Sentence引入话题,提出Namibia的保护区很成功)In fact, it is one of thelargest-scale demonstrations of so-called “community-based natural resourcemanagement” and the state-sanctioned empowerment of local communities.(In fact这个词语意味着具体解释,因此可以完全无视。) Most conservancies are runby elected committees of local people, to whom the government devolves userrights over wildlife within the conservancy boundaries.(这句话说的是保护区是由谁来运营的)Technicalassistance inmanaging the conservancy is provided by government officials and localand international nongovernmental organizations.(这句话说的是技术支持是由谁来提供的)In late 2004,31 conservancies were operating on 7.8 million hectares of desert, savannah,and woodlands occupied by 98,000 people.(这句话是一个例子,可以无视。)


在精简成这三句话之后,我们可以进一步地进行从句的清理:towhom …这句话是修饰,完全可以省略。


Namibia’s establishment of conservancies is amongthe most successful efforts by developing nations to decentralize naturalresource management and simultaneously combat poverty,and most conservancies are run by elected committees of local people, while technical assistance in managing theconservancy is provided by government officials and local and internationalnongovernmental organizations. (51 words)



In Namibia, the establishment of conservancies, run by local communities andassisted by the government and nongovernmental organisations, has been provedsuccessful to help developing countries to decentralize natural resources,create jobs and improve the economy. (36 words)


注意在Summarise Written Text里一个隐性的评分标准是,当涉及到同样数量的关键点时,一般越精简的句子得到的分数会越高。大家在考试的时候如果写完了关键点,千万不要硬加句子去凑字数,一来容易出现语法错误,而来也会增加许多冗余,是没有必要的。



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