【PTE真题】Read Aloud真题放送,附赠外教满分示范
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【PTE真题】Describe Image高频真题详解及答题小窍门,附赠外教老师满分答案~
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【PTE口语】Retell Lecture破解大法,例题详解教你如何筛选重点信息!


最近经常被学生问的一个问题是:我该怎么样提高RL和SST的成绩。很多培训机构或者老师会建议大家精听,换言之逐字逐句地听写下来。对于精听,我的看法是:精听有一定的帮助。精听有助于提高英语基础,以及对于词语的掌握。但是就解题而言,它没有解决一个根本的问题,那就是:我到底该说什么?很多考生会误以为在RL和SST中,尽可能多说就是好的。这个在很大程度上来说是一种误区,试想:一篇Native Speaker尚且要1分半才能说完的内容,我们又怎样能在40秒内完全覆盖呢?





Can you remember being a teenager? Did you find yourself going to bed later and later every night, and then struggling to get up in the morning?
根据语气与内容,我们可以判断出开始的两句话是疑问句。疑问句可以分为两个大类:一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。一般疑问句通常由动词前置来提问,回答只能是Yes or No。在这里,两句话都是一般疑问句。一般疑问句在Lecture中的主要意图是寻求共识,因此会大致地给出关于背景的信息。
在这里,我们可以从两个问句中找到最有价值的词语:teenager, going to bed late。不难理解,文章的主旨是分析年轻人的睡眠状况。

Well, that’s a common experience, but warn that for some people may be the cause of weight gain.

在这句话中,有一个非常有意义的语气词well,以及更加重要的转折词but。因此这句话的内容可以说是整篇Lecture的核心。从这句话中,我们应该记录下的词语有:common experience, cause of weight gain.


Most teenagers should get 9 hours of sleep a night. However, many get less than 8. A number of studies have shown that this amount of sleep can lead to a greater consumption of food that are high in fat and sugar, and there is an inevitable consequence of this: an increase in weight.



第三句话中,以一个比较长的套句A number of studies have shown that…作为引导,用A=>B=>C的结构说明了因果。起因A: this lack of sleep (can lead to),过渡B: greater consumption of food that are high in fat and sugar,以及后果C: increase in weight。换言之,这里进行的是一个逻辑的分析


对于目标79分的同学而言,需要记录的是中间的过渡项B: greater consumption of food, fat & sugar

An example of these studies is one that is carried out by Susan Redline. She followed 240 teenagers in the USA and found that those who slept less than 8 hours per night had on average 2.2 percent more fat in their daily food intake.

听到了An example of these,我们基本可以松一口气。在PTE的考试中,所有的例子都不重要。


附PTE RL 内容满分评分要求:5 – Re-tells all points of the presentation and describes characters, aspects and actions, their relationships, the underlying development, implications and conclusions. 注意满分答案的评价标准中没有任何一项提到了Example,因此可以无视。

Soif you want to keep your weight under control, I don’t think you will be staying up too late for your exams now.


在这里,我们可以跳过条件的部分,直接记录结论:don’t stay up too late for exams


 teenager, going to bed late

 common experience, cause of weight gain

 greater consumption of food, fat & sugar

 don’t stay too late for exams



1. The lecture is about teenagers. They go to bed late, and do not have enough sleep.

2. According to the lecture, this is a common experience. But this could be the cause of weight gain.

3. This is caused by the greater consumption of food, especially those with fat and sugar.

4. In conclusion, teenagers should not stay up for too late.



1. The lecture is about teenagers going to bed late, and not having enough sleep.

2. This is a common experience for most teenagers. But this would be very likely to lead to the obesity or weight gain.

3. The reason is that these teenagers may have a greater consumption of food that are high in fat and sugar.

4. Therefore, the lecturer made a suggestion that teenagers should not stay too late for exams.

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