墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2959
2016/10/18墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2961
A. So, you might be wondering, how‘s North Korea able to get away with ignoring the rules that are set by the rest of the world?
B. For the past couple of decades, North Korea has been working on building nuclear weapons and has even conducted several tests.
C. But, despite this, just over a week ago, North Korea went ahead and launched their biggest ever nuclear test.
D. Of course, that’s all a big no-no when it comes to international law and the United Nations has banned them from doing it.
E. The problem is, you can’t exactly send an entire country to prison and nobody wants to go to war with them because the whole point of the anti-nuclear stuff is avoiding conflicts in the first place.
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