墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2977
墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2979

A. Yet it was the merchant and artisan classes, or chōnin, who benefited most from the peace and prosperity of the period.  
B. The primary consumers of sumptuous kimono were the samurai, the ruling military class.  
C. However, the rigid hierarchy of Tokugawa Japan meant that they could not use their wealth to improve their social status.  
D. It was this new market that stimulated the great flowering of the textile arts in the Edo period.   
E. Instead they had to find different outlets for their money, such as buying beautiful clothes.

Answers: B A C E D
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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