墨尔本 PTE 段落朗读 4911
墨尔本 PTE 段落朗读 4912

A - New best practices, business models, innovations, and strategies are emerging, including new ways to acquire, assimilate, and share knowledge.   

B - But institutions of learning are in a unique position to benefit from an added opportunity: providing leadership in e-knowledge.   

C - Virtually every enterprise and institution is grappling with the disruptions and opportunities caused by Web-enabled infrastructures and practices.   

D - Using technologies that are already developed or that will be deployed over the next five years, best practices in knowledge sharing not only are diffusing rapidly but will be substantially reinvented in all settings: educational institutions, corporations, government organizations, associations, and non-profits.   

E - The pressure to transform our institutions of learning continues.

Answers: E, C, A, D, B
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。
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