墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2921
墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2923
A - "Bourgeois" feminism, so called by its more radical opponents, emphasized "individualist" feminist goals such as access to education, career opportunities, and legal equality. B - However, despite antagonism between bourgeois feminists and socialist feminists, the two movements shared certain underlying beliefs. C - "Socialist" feminists, by contrast, emphasized class, rather than gender, as the principal source of women’s inequality and oppression, and socialist revolution, not legal reform, as the only road to emancipation and equality. D - Historians have identified two dominant currents in the Russian women’s movement of the late tsarist period.

Answers: D, A, C, B
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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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