【PTE词汇】口语,写作,日常生活都必备!Election Day Words
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【PTE词汇】口语,写作,日常生活都必备!duc/duct 词根词汇



Learn these words derived from the Latin roots duc and duct, meaning “to lead” or “to guide.”


abduct     [əb’dʌkt]   [æb’dʌkt]     绑架;诱拐  v.

英文释义:take away to anundisclosed location against their will

e.g.Thebiggest let down about being abductedby aliens is the abundanceof gravity on the spaceship. – We Are the Ants


abduction    [əb’dʌkʃn]  [æb’dʌkʃən]    绑架;诱拐  n.

英文释义:the criminal act ofcarrying someone away by force

e.g.Everyday, from the time of his abductionthrough his training, heprayed in his heart for a chance to escape. – New York Times (Jun 21, 2017)


adduce   [ə’djuːs]   [ə’dus]   举出;引证

英文释义:advance evidence for

e.g. Adduce a pattern and you have to infer thatthe expansion will continue. – Forbes (Feb 10, 2015)


aqueduct   [‘ækwɪdʌkt]   [‘ækwɪ’dʌkt]  渡槽;导水管

英文释义:a conduit(沟渠) that carries water over a valley

e.g.Northernreservoirs funnel water to the southern half of the state through a complexsystem of concrete aqueducts. – WashingtonPost (May 28, 2016)


conducive    [kən’djuːsɪv]   [kən’dusɪv]   有益于;有助于

英文释义:tending to bringabout; being partly responsible for

e.g.As hisown boss, he said he worked his schedule to be more conduciveto creativity. – WashingtonTimes (Aug 23, 2017)


conduct 动词读作kənˈdʌkt。名词读作ˈkɒndʌkt  表现

英文释义:the way a personbehaves toward other people

e.g.Insteadshe continued to pretend that her son was doing fine, that his grades were goodand his conductwas improving. – Hoot


conductivity   [kɒndʌk’tɪvɪtɪ] [,kɑndʌk’tɪvəti]    导电性

英文释义:the property oftransmitting heat, electricity, or sound

e.g.“Castiron doesn’t drop in temperature as much as thinner pans with better conductivity,” like aluminum and stainless steel. – NewYork Times (Jun 28, 2016)


conductor   [kən’dʌktə]   指挥

英文释义:the person who leads amusical group

e.g.As the conductorwaved his arms, he molded the air like handfuls of soft clay, and themusicians carefully followed his every direction. – The Phantom Tollbooth


deduce    [dɪ’djuːs]   [dɪ’dʊs]   推断;推论

英文释义:conclude by reasoning

e.g.Hence alinguist would immediately deducecorrectly that the Englishlanguage arose in coastal northwestern Europe and spread around the world fromthere. – Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies


deduct  [dɪ’dʌkt]   扣除;减去 v.

英文释义:make a subtraction

e.g.If atarget is missed, there is a five-second penalty, which means they will deductfiveseconds from your time. – Washington Times (May 22, 2017)


deduction   [dɪ’dʌkʃ(ə)n]   扣除;减去  n.

英文释义:reasoning from thegeneral to the particular

e.g.“To makesense of all this, I must use my powers of deduction,” Penelopethought to herself.The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: Book I: TheMysterious Howling


ducal   [‘djuːk(ə)l]   [‘dukl]   公爵的;公爵领地的

英文释义:of or belonging to orsuitable for a duke

e.g.Veronahas the charm of ducalItalian cities: grandeur and intimacy at thesame time. – Forbes (Apr 5, 2015)


duct  [dʌkt]   输送管;导管

英文释义:an enclosed conduitfor a fluid

e.g.Everycrevice, ductand electrical outlet is coated with a special sealant toprevent leakage. – Wall Street Journal (Sep 14, 2016)


ductile  [‘dʌktaɪl]   易延展的

英文释义:capable of beingshaped or bent or drawn out

e.g.Materialsthat can undergo lots of plastic deformation before they finally break arecalled ductile. – Scientific American (May 7, 2015)


educate [‘edjʊkeɪt]   [‘ɛdʒuket]    教育;培养

英文释义:give knowledgeacquired by learning and instruction

e.g.But aftershe had her two children, Mom and our uncle Jim, she became a teacher becauseshe didn’t trust anyone else to educatethem. – The Glass Castle


educe   [ɪ’djuːs]   [ɪ’djʊs]      引出

英文释义:bring out or develop,especially from a potential state

e.g.The Latinroot of the word educate is  ‘ educe,’ which means to draw out that which lies inside thestudent. – Forbes (Nov 21, 2012)


induce  [ɪn’djuːs]   [ɪn’dus]  诱导

英文释义:cause to arise

e.g.Fear, herealizes, helps to keep him awake, so he decides to induceit. – Enrique’s Journey


inducement    [ɪn’djuːsm(ə)nt]  [ɪn’dusmənt]  诱因;刺激物

英文释义:a positivemotivational influence

e.g.WhileNorth America and Europe banned lavish gifts to doctors years ago, financial inducementsremain commonplace in many parts of the world. – Reuters (Jul 12, 2013)


induct   [ɪn’dʌkt]  使就职

英文释义:admit as a member

e.g.ArethaFranklin was the first woman to be inductedinto the Rock and RollHall of Fame. – Time (Sep 7, 2017)


induction   [ɪn’dʌkʃ(ə)n]   归纳法

英文释义:reasoning fromdetailed facts to general principles

e.g.Butthere’s a difference between believing that, with reason—my inductionfrom knowledge of the facts—and reporting it as a fact. – Wall StreetJournal (Jan 4, 2017)


introduce   [ɪntrə’djuːs]  [ˌɪntrə’dus]  介绍 v.

英文释义:bring something new toan environment

e.g.Theastrolabe(天体观测仪) was introducedto Europe by the eleventhcentury, where it saw wide use until the Renaissance. – Circumference


introduction    [,ɪntrə’dʌkʃ(ə)n]    介绍  n.

英文释义:the act of startingsomething for the first time

e.g.There wasonce a state legislator in Wisconsin who objected to the introductionof daylight saving timedespite all the good arguments for it. – Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracyand Its Consequences


irreducible    [ɪrɪ’djuːsɪb(ə)l]  [,ɪrɪ’dusəbl]  无法简化的

英文释义:incapable of beingmade smaller or simpler

e.g.The Earthis a complex system, an irreduciblecomplexity that defiessimplification into computer models. – Scientific American (Nov 30, 2015)


produce     [prəˈdju:s;(for n.)ˈprɒdju:s]   [prəˈdus;(for n.)ˈprɒdus; prɑdus]   生产;引起

英文释义:cause to happen, occuror exist

e.g.Good foodis supposed to producegood conversation I’ve heard. – The Pigman


product    [‘prɒdʌkt]  [‘prɑdʌkt]    产品

英文释义:a commodity offeredfor sale

e.g.EverywhereI looked, I saw famous, widely advertised productssitting on laboratory desksand tables. – Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal


production   [prə’dʌkʃ(ə)n]   生产活动

英文释义:the act or process ofmaking something

e.g.Lawrence’sexperience as an impresario of Big Science gave him an instinctive grasp of howto scale up a process from prototype to production. – BigScience


reduce   [rɪ’djuːs]   [rɪ’dʊs]    减少

英文释义:make smaller

e.g.Theprogram reducespollution and conserves natural resources. – WeAre the Ants


reduction  [rɪ’dʌkʃ(ə)n]减少;下降

英文释义:the act of decreasingsomething

e.g.Higherrates of economic growth, facilitated by periodic doses of liberalization,pushed forward poverty reduction. – The WorldIs Flat


seduce   [sɪ’djuːs]   [sɪ’dʊs]  引诱;怂恿

英文释义:lure or entice awayfrom duty, principles, or proper conduct

e.g.“Do notbe seducedby false glamour; do not shirk your duties; donot wander off alone into the Wood at night.” – Ash


traduce    [trə’djuːs]   [trə’dus]        中伤;诽谤

英文释义:speak unfavorablyabout

e.g.They werewatching for opportunities to traduceFranklin, to ruin hisreputation, and if possible, to bring him into contempt. – Abbott, John S. C.(John Stevens Cabot)


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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。
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