墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3026
墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3028
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墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3027


Some people believe that the law changes human behaviour. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Support your point of view with details from your own experiences, observations or reading.

The law has been created in order to preserve peace and harmony in various communities. However, some people believe that law changes human behavior. In my opinion, I believe that the law does not change people because the law exists in order to protect people only. This means it only prevents people from causing harm and does not change how people should behave.

Firstly, different people behave differently, and it is based on their daily habits and exposure to surroundings. For example, a person tends to behave similar to his company, such as his parents or friends. Apart from that, it is also based on the social media that he involves himself in. Based on this exposure, an individual will act accordingly depending on the situation he is in.

Secondly, when people break the law, it is usually not because of his behavior. A person’s behavior is how he acts every day, whereas a committed crime is usually because of desperation or some other reasons. For example, a criminal would only steal money from someone if he is in terrible conditions such as starvation. The law was set up to punish these criminals and to ensure that the general public is able to live in peace. Therefore, it is evident that the law does not change human behavior.

In conclusion, although some people believe that the law may change human behavior, I believe that the law is just playing its role in ensuring that people are able to live happily. The behavior of a person is not defined by law but by people who they interact with daily.

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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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