墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3007
墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3009
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墨尔本PTE写作,高分作文范文 3008


What are some of the Pros and Cons of extreme/adventure sports? Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience.

An extreme sport is a type of sport which has gotten its name due to the extreme measures that the sports take to give its participants the thrill. There are numerous types of extreme sports, and some of them include skydiving and bodyboarding. However, these types of sports have some pros and cons. Although it gives a participant the thrill and joy he is seeking, there may be some risks involved.

Extreme sports such as skydiving require training and responsible mentors to ensure that safeties of the participants are secured. If it all goes to plan, then extreme sports is able to give its participants a new type of thrill and sensation. Participants will be able to experience situations where they never thought was possible, such as free-falling from an airplane when skydiving.

However, as mentioned previously, safety is a very important measure that has to be ensured. This is because if a mistake or an accident was to happen, it might cost someone’s life. For example, if the weather was not estimated properly and an individual proceeds to skydive, extreme weather conditions may cause the landing of the skydiver to be a tragic one. That is a very expensive cost just to seek for some thrill.

In conclusion, there are numerous pros and cons for extreme sports. However, if all safety measures were taken and enough test runs have been done for that particular sport, an extreme sport can be claimed as the best sport to take part in.

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