墨尔本PTE Summarize written text 总结归纳段落 09
墨尔本PTE Summarize written text 总结归纳段落 11
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墨尔本PTE Summarize written text 总结归纳段落 10


Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.


The English have the reputation of being a nation of tea drinkers, but this wasn’t always the case. By the end of the l7th century, the English were the biggest coffee drinkers in the Western world, and coffee houses became the places to be seen. As well as gossip, you could pick up talk of the latest intellectual developments in science, politics, and so on, in this age of scientific discovery and progress. At first coffee houses were very basic; a room with a bar at one end and a few plain tables and chairs. Customers paid a penny for a bowl – not a cup – of coffee. A polite young woman was usually in charge of the bar because it was thought her presence would ensure that the customers didn’t use bad language or cause any trouble. An added attraction was that coffee houses provided free newspapers and journals.

But people didn’t go to the coffee houses just to drink coffee. They went to talk. They soon developed from simple cafes, where anyone with a penny could go for a drink and a chat, into clubs. People started to go to coffee houses where they would find other people who had the same jobs or who shared their interests and ideas, to talk and conduct business.

The great popularity of coffee houses lasted about a hundred years. In the later 18th century, increased trade with other countries made such luxuries as coffee cheaper and more easily available to the ordinary person. As a result, people started to drink it at home. Also at this time more tea was imported from abroad, and the century of the coffee house was replaced by the domestic tea-party as the typical English social occasion.



Although the English are known as tea drinkers, in the 17th and 18th centuries, they went to coffee houses, not just to drink coffee but also have a chat about latest intellectual developments.

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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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