今天AIL墨尔本PTE小编给大家带来的是一组PTE考试中词义随重音改变而变化的单词,这类单词拼写完全一致,但随重音的不同,词性和词义也发生了完全的改变。大家可以结合小编带来的另外一篇《PTE词汇中重音随词性改变的单词》一起区分记忆和学习~各位同学在PTE考试的听力和口语中,特别是read aloud等题型中,一定要要注意这类PTE词汇,一旦重音错误,整个句子的含义可能就改变了。 墨尔本PTE考试复习备战知识贴:PTE词汇中词义随重音改变的单词
v address | AD-dress
n. 地址 |
Do you know her AD-dress? |
v. 演说,向…致辞,跟…说话 |
You do not have permission to ad-DRESS the principal! |
v attribute | AT-trib-ute
n. 属性,特性 |
Dishonesty is a common ATT-rib-ute of politicians. |
v. 归属于…,认为(文章等)出自于… |
That quote is at-TRIB-u-ted to Winston Churchill. |
v conduct | CON-duct
n. 进行,实施,行为方式 |
We aren’t happy about your general CON-duct. |
v. 传导,指挥,表现,实施 |
I was asked to con-DUCT the orchestra at short notice. |
v console | CON-sole
n. 控制台,操作台 |
I spend too much time at my computer CON-sole. |
v. 安慰 |
She was so unhappy, I was unable to con-SOLE her. |
v content | CON-tent
n. 内容,目录,含量 |
The CON-tent of your essay is fine, but you need to rearrange the structure. |
adj. 满足的,满意的;v. 使满足 |
She was sitting reading a book, looking very con-TENT. | |
v converse | CON-verse
n. 相反的说法 |
Do you think firm A is more successful than firm B? I think the CON-verse is true. |
v. 交谈 |
He can con-VERSE in three different languages. | |
v default | DE-fault
adj. 原样的,默认的 |
The DE-fault settings of that TV are bad, but you can configure it differently. |
v. 不履行,违约 |
Jon de-FAULT-ed on his loan payments. | |
v desert | DES-ert
n. 沙漠 |
The army marched through the DES-ert. |
v. 遗弃,抛弃,开小差,放弃 |
I wouldn’t advise you to des-ERT the army, as it will get you into trouble. |
v entrance | EN-trance
n. 入口 |
The EN-trance to the building was locked. |
v. 使入迷,使被催眠 |
Are you trying to en-TRANCE me? |
v exploit | EX-ploit
n. 利用,剥削,开发,英勇事迹,功勋 |
He’s always talking about some EX-ploit from his war years. |
v. 开发利用,充分利用 |
Some companies ex-PLOIT their staff by expecting them to work overtime for no extra pay. |
v extract | EX-tract
n. 提取物,摘选 |
She read me an EX-tract from her new novel. |
v. 提取,摘录 |
The dentist says he needs to ex-TRACT one of my teeth. |
v invalid | IN-val-id
n. 病人,伤残者 |
After his accident he was an IN-val-id for nearly a year, but he’s ok again now. |
adj. 无效的 |
I’m sorry, your passport is in-VAL-id, as it expired two months ago. |
v object | OB-ject
n. 物体,物品 |
What is that OB-ject over there? |
v. 反对 |
Would anyone ob-JECT if I opened a window? |
v project | PRO-ject
n. 项目,企划 |
This PRO-ject should be completed next month. |
v. 放映,投射 |
We could pro-JECT the film onto that blank wall. |
v refuse | REF-use
n. 垃圾,废物 |
We have our REF-use collected on a Thursday. |
v. 拒绝 |
Chocolate cake? How can I re-FUSE! |
v subject | SUB-ject
n. 主题 |
What is the SUB-ject of today’s lesson? |
adj. 服从的 v. 使屈从于 |
Oh dear, our teacher is going to sub-JECT us to another test. |