今天小编要给大家讲解的是PTE考试听力部分的Summarize spoken text题型,大家请记好笔记~ 墨尔本PTE题型针对练习小tips之: Summarize spoken text
这个PTE题型同时考察考生的PTE写作和PTE听力能力,在考试中,考生将听到一段录音,并且需要在听完之后将这段录音总结归纳为一段50-70字的短文,超出字数或不到字数都会扣分,答题时间为十分钟。考生的得分将基于所给答案的内容 Content,形式 Form,语法 Grammar,词汇Vocabulary,以及拼写 Spelling。
墨尔本PTE题型针对练习小tips之: Summarize spoken text
如人名,机构名称等;在summary中,如果需要提到相关信息,可以以其职位或职能称呼,如the researcher, a professor, the research institute, an energy company, etc.
包含但不限于:新词 new term,给出的定义 definitions, 既定事实 facts, 以及或统计信息等内容。
如简介Introduction,标志性词语和转折词(But, however, so, because, etc.),和总结Conclusion部分。Introduction部分一定要记录好,因为它决定了整篇文章的大体走向和主要基调。
部分类型的文章,如讲述某一科研项目及结果相关的内容,可以在summary中采用Introduction(what is this research about?)+Body (why and how did they conduct the research?)+Conclusion (results of the research) 的结构来写。
Technological nature refers to a computerized picture of a natural scene (point 1: topic). To find out if this has the same beneficial effect as a real scene, put a group of people in a room with a real view and another group in a room with a virtual view. (point 2: research) The group in the room with the real view will recover more quickly from stress than the other group (point 3: results).
墨尔本PTE题型针对练习小tips之: Summarize spoken text
在如何总结和甄选信息和如何Summarize文章方面,各位考生还可以参考墨尔本PTE小编的另外一篇关于Summarize Written Text的答题技巧文章,结合其中所教授的技巧来答题。
‘Technological nature’ … you may have heard this term. .. it’s a term used to describe a picture of a natural scene that’s been produced using computer graphics so that basically it isn’t a real view – say of a garden or field – it’s a virtual one – it’s a picture that looks like a real scene, Now, looking at scenes of nature is known to have an effect on people’s health and well-being. So for someone who’s ill, for a patient in a hospital, does a virtual view of a garden have the same impact as a real one? Does it have the same beneficial effects when you look at it? Because that would be good. Well, um, if you test this out, if you put a group of people in a room with a real view and another group of people in a room with a virtual view – an unreal view – you can see what happens when they get stressed. If you give both groups a task that is slightly stressful and increases their heart rate and, um, what you’ll find is that the people who have the real garden scene outside their window to look at – their heart rate goes back to normal more quickly than those of the people in the other group who only have a virtual view to look at. So, yes, there is a difference – people’s recovery from stress is faster in the room with the real view.