今天墨尔本PTE小编要给大家讲解的是PTE口语描述图像Describe Image的Table 表格题型,这类PTE题型因为数据量相对较大,很多同学表示不知道从何说起,到底哪些用说哪些不用说。那么下面我们就来看题吧~!内有AIL 墨尔本PTE外教老师示范的满分答案哦~
Time spent on main activities by sex, 2005, GB
1.Describe Image的开始句要点,也就是Overview.
3.最后还需要注意的是,表格中的数据是按照性别分开的,所以两组数据间一定的对比是不能少的。而在上述四个较为显著的数据项中,all leisure – employment and study – housework三个是两者有显著差异的,大家可以在其中挑选1-2点进行对比描述。
这个PTE口语题型表格题因为没有时间上的变化,所以显然也不会有possible development。只要抓住前面的要点,内容部分应该就能够拿到满分。
Transcripts:This image illustrates a table that highlights the time spent on main activities by sex in 2005 in GB, for people aged 16 and over.(Overview) It is measured in hours and minutes per day.(Point 1 单位) Both males and females spend most of their time on sleep at 8.04 and 8.18 respectively. (Point 2 最大数据) This is followed by leisure, at 5.25 for males and 4.53 for females. (Point 3 第二大数据) Males spend 1.19 hours more than females on employment and study while females spend 1.59 more than males on housework. (Point 4 第三、四位数据的对比)