今天墨尔本PTE小编要给大家讲解的是 PTE口语题型 :描述图像Describe Image的柱状图PTE口语题型,柱状图其实也是相对比较简单的一类题型,因为数据清楚明了。不过整体的答题结构还是要把握好的,各位同学一定要结合小编上次带来的Describe Image评分标准来参考学习。下面我们就来看PTE考试题吧~!
Carbon dioxide emissions per resident, 2008 (Tonnes)
首先,PTE描述图像Describe Image黄金定律,Overview绝对不能少。所以上来要讲清楚这是一个柱状图Bar chart,并且其主题是Carbon dioxide emissions per resident in 2008,直接照着标题读就行,不经过paraphrase都可以。这样就抓住了两个key elements.
其次,不难发现这组数据中间的几个国家数据很接近,但最大值和最小值还是比较显著的,那我们就从最大或最小值开始描述。在描述完最大值the North East之后,就可以紧接着说第二大的Yorkshire and The Humber。其余数据因为比较接近,就可以合并成一类Residents of all other regions来描述。
最后,这类bar chart也是显然没有possible development的,所以只要做到抓住前面所有的关键点,就能拿到满分。
This bar graph shows how many tonnes of carbon dioxide were emitted by residents in various places in 2008. (Overview) The lowest figure is for London, where only about six tonnes were emitted by each resident. The North East was by far the worst, with about twelve tonnes of C02 emissions per resident. It was followed by Yorkshire and The Humber with approximately 9.5 tonnes per resident. Residents of all other regions emitted between about seven and eight tonnes of C02 in 2008.