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墨尔本PTE考试最新复习备战知识贴:PTE例题解析Re-order Paragraphs两篇

墨尔本PTE考试最新复习备战知识贴:PTE例题解析Re-order Paragraphs两篇

墨尔本PTE考试最新复习备战知识贴:PTE例题解析Re-order Paragraphs两篇

今天AIL墨尔本PTE小 给大家带来PTE考试中的两道Re-order Paragraphs的例题详解,大家结合上次小编讲解的PTE解题策略学习一下吧~ 墨尔本PTE考试最新复习备战知识贴:PTE例题解析Re-order Paragraphs两篇

墨尔本PTE考试最新复习备战知识贴:PTE例题解析Re-order Paragraphs两篇

墨尔本PTE考试最新复习备战知识贴:PTE例题解析Re-order Paragraphs两篇


A. It was a time when managers had to take a critical look at every aspect of their production process and make improvements where necessary.

B. As a result, some people believe it is now time to re-assess many companies in terms of the standards they agreed to some years ago.

C. In the late 1900s, food manufacturers were challenged by the organic community to ensure they were using ingredients that had been produced in natural, healthy ways.

D. Whether these systems have been maintained seems questionable, particularly as contracts depend so heavily on efficiency and quick sales.

E. Over the last half-century, organic farming has become a driving force in the world’s food market.


Key Vocabulary

  • Critical adj. 鉴定的,批评的,决定性的。
  • Re-assess v. 重新评估
  • Challenged by 受到…的挑战
  • Questionable adj.有问题的,可疑的
  • Organic Farming 有机农业
  • Driving Force 推动力


E, C, A, D, B.

E 选项E包含一个广阔的时间限定(Over the last half-century),并且明显是介绍文章段落主题(Organic Farming),所以确定E为起始段。

C 选项C缩小了时间范围的限定(in the 1900s),并且进一步阐述了Organic Farming是为何成为Driving Force的,与上文衔接。

A It was a time和选项C中的in the 1900s相对应,并且take a critical look也和选项C中的challenged by…相呼应,所以可以判断选项A是跟在选项C之后的。

D these systems = 选项A中的improvements,故可以判断D跟在选项A之后。

B as a result说明这个选项是结束段落,并且其内容与选项D中的seems questionable有联系。所以可以判断这是结尾段,D选项是倒数第二段。



A. Clearly, a number of factors have contributed to its remarkable appearance.

B. The result is a unique story of land collisions and erosions, and of rising and falling water levels.

C. Experts who have analysed the rock formations say that, historically, it goes back nearly two billion years.

D. Anyone who has ever visited the Grand Canyon will agree that it is one of the most incredible Sights in the world.

E. The geological processes that have taken place since then are exposed for everyone to see, not hidden beneath vegetation or a fast-flowing water course.


Key Vocabulary

Remarkable adj. 非凡的,卓越的

Land collision 陆块碰撞,大陆碰撞

Land erosion 水土流失,土地侵蚀

Formation n.形成,构造

The Grand Canyon 科罗拉多大峡谷

Geological adj.地质的,地质学的

Vegetation n.植被,草木



D, A, C, E, B

D 大致浏览全文能发现文章应该是在讲解一个地质现象但都没有提到具体名称,只有在选项D中出现了the Grand Canyon,所以可以判断D为起始段。

A its指代the Grand Canyon的, remarkable appearance和上文中one of the most incredible Sights相呼应,可以判断A出现在D之后。

C rock formation和A选项中的remarkable appearance呼应,解释了选项A中的remarkable appearance形成时间,所以可以判断C出现在A之后。

E geological process指代选项C中的land formation,同时since then对应date back two billion years,所以判断E跟在C后面。

B the result和geological process联系,解释了E中geological process的结果,所以可以判断B跟在E之后出现。




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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。
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