PTE阅读选择题部分分为多选和单选,PTE单选题每道题阅读材料不会超过300字,每段文字对应一道题目,题目内容可能涉及到文章主旨,论据,作者表述某信息的意图等等。今天AIL墨尔本PTE小编先来跟大家讲解一下单选部分的做题技巧和策略,希望能更好地帮大家备战PTE。 墨尔本PTE考试复习经验:PTE阅读题型 Select Single Answer
墨尔本PTE考试复习经验:PTE阅读题型 Select Single Answer
这样可以保证你能了解在PTE阅读材料中需要寻找的信息,同时确定题目相关的信息是关于整个阅读材料,例如作者的主旨( the main idea)等, 还是关于阅读材料中的部分信息,例如作者使用论据的意图 (why does the author mentioned …? )等。题干中如果有生词,特别是一些生僻词或概念,一般来说材料中会有相关的解释和介绍,例如题干为:what’s the writer’s focus on homophones? Homophone 同音异形异义字,这个词很可能大家都不认识,原文中会介绍“…homophones, which are words with different meanings and spellings, but pronounced in the same or similar way…”
Huge reserves of energy have been found in rocks far below the surface of the ground in Britain. It is estimated that the north and southwest regions could hold enough energy in the form of heat to provide power for millions of homes. In fact, up to a fifth of Britain’s energy could be provided by this geothermal source. Extracting the heat and converting it into electricity is difficult and expensive. Thousands of bore holes would be needed; but once they were in place, the heat would keep regenerating indefinitely.
What is the writer’s main purpose in this paragraph?
A to show how common the use of geothermal power is in Britain
B to describe the problems related to using geothermal power in Britain
C to highlight the potential benefits of geothermal power for Britain
D to give a detailed description of how geothermal energy is produced in Britain
题干明确显示问的是writer’s main purpose,说明选项必须涵盖全文的主旨。选项中的“geothermal power,地热能”这个词可能部分同学并不认识,不过从文章第一句话就能看出它是指“reserves of energy … found in rocks”,而且就算不懂这个单词也完全不影响对接下来文章的解读。
通读文章后,通过缩句,筛去无关和修饰性内容,可以看到文章的重点是在文中蓝色字体部分,由此可以了解到文章是在说geothermal power的潜力,文中蓝字部分都是在用不同论据强调这一点,所以答案应该是C。
如果无法很好地通过缩句和筛选内容来掌握文章主旨,那么利用排除法也可以答题:D在文章中没有提及,很容易排除;并且A、D选项使用的时态是一般现在时,而文中提到利用该能源时都用的是could或would,是将来时,所以A也不对;比较有迷惑性的一个选项是B,文章中的确提到了“Extracting the heat and converting it into electricity is difficult and expensive”,但这只是文章的一个点;最后一句话有BUT,是个关键的转折信号词,表明尽管有一些问题,但是一旦克服这些困难,能获取的热量是巨大的,更加暗示出geothermal power的潜力。