PTE阅读考试中有一种独有的题型Reordering paragraph。这类PTE题型考验的是考生们的逻辑性,连贯性及对阅读的理解程度。Reordering paragraph需要考生们将5句话按照理解顺序根据逻辑及连贯性重新排列组成一段话以得到最高分数。今天墨尔本PTE小编来为大家讲解这类PTE阅读题型的答题技巧。 墨尔本PTE考试题型介绍及答题技巧之PTE阅读中的Reordering Paragraph
Reordering paragraph is a question type which is unique to the PTE test. Students are expected to order five sentences coherently and logically arrange these five sentences to complete the paragraph and get the perfect score.
墨尔本PTE考试题型介绍及答题技巧之PTE阅读中的Reordering Paragraph
An important component for answering this question type is to get the first sentence correctly. The first sentence, also the topic sentence of the paragraph has certain characteristic which makes it stands out from the other paragraphs:
So far, we have covered the characteristics of the first sentence, let’s look at an example of how a first sentence for the PTE reorder paragraph looks like.
墨尔本PTE考试题型介绍及答题技巧之PTE阅读中的Reordering Paragraph
“In most countries it is only the government, through their central banks, who are permitted to issue currency”
The sentence above has all the characteristics of a good first sentence. The sentence does not start with a transitional word or phrase not any conjunctions. The word ‘their’ is an antecedent for ‘countries’, there is no ambiguity here, and the reference is clear. The sentence structure is complete, the noun and verb predicate is there, and the sentence is a complete thought.
Let’s have a look at the following sentences. Can you find which one should come first by our strategies?
In the first sentence, ‘it is important to’ is a typical transitional part of a sentence. Also, the meaning of ‘sessions’ is unclear. Which sessions?
In the second sentence, ‘the conference’ highlights a conference that we have mentioned already.
In the third sentence, the phrase ‘will be able to’ indicates a future tense, but there is no time given in the sentence. Hence, we can conclude that the sentence is not complete in a way.
The last sentence, should obviously be the first sentence in the paragraph.