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墨尔本PTE素材库——Uluru Handback



墨尔本PTE素材库——Uluru Handback




这篇报道介绍了澳大利亚的国家标志乌鲁鲁石的历史。这是一段极好的关于历史的Re-tell Lecture的练习材料,大家可以尝试复述一下乌鲁鲁石的历史发展历程,以及目前仍存在的问题。



澳大利亚语言学院整理的墨尔本PTE素材库,旨在帮助各位PTE考生整理一些可以用作PTE考试题型练习的素材,可以帮助大家提升dictation、re-tell lecture、Summarize  spoken text 等等题型的能力哦!PTE市面上的素材并不多,练习的题目也不多,所以AIL整理的这些PTE素材库,真的是帮助非常大的哦!

【Key Vocabulary】

historic adj. 历史的,历史性的

handback n. 退还,交付

national icon 国家标志

ancestor n. 祖先

spear n. 长矛

poisonous adj. 有毒的

python n. 巨蟒

sacred adj. 神圣的

ownership n. 所有权

rename v. 重命名

airstrip n. 飞机跑道

devastating adj. 毁灭性的,全然的

tense adj. 紧张的



Full Transcript

Thirty years ago the most famous rock in Australia, Uluru, was officially handed back to its traditional Aboriginal owners. Next up we have Eloise with the story behind the historic handback. But first a warning to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers, this story contains images of people who’ve died.

It’s the national icon, in the heart of the country. And each year, thousands of people from around the world flock to see Uluru!

But not everyone has to travel a long way to check it out. For some Aboriginal kids, this place is home!

Lots of these kids are Anangu, the traditional owners of this land. And for them, Uluru is a really special place. The Anangu believe their ancestors created Uluru at the beginning of time. They say these holes in the rock were left by the spears of poisonous snake men. And the cracks, by an angry python woman striking out at her enemies.

Because of this, they see it as their job to protect this sacred place, and pass on Uluru’s stories.

But this special relationship hasn’t always been respected. When European explorers first came across it, about 150 years ago, they took ownership of it and even renamed it, Ayers Rock, after the Premier of South Australia at the time.

Over time roads and airstrips were built and it became a popular destination for tourists. But some of that was devastating for the Anangu, who’d been connected to it for thousands of years.

But thirty years ago, on October 26 1985, all that changed. Uluru and the area surrounding it was handed back to its traditional owners by the Governor General and their connection to it was officially recognised by the Government.

It was a moment of celebration for the Anangu people, but it came with one big condition. The traditional owners still wouldn’t get full control. Right away, they had to lease the land back to the Federal Government for 99 years. And they had to share responsibility for it, mainly so that tourists could keep visiting.

Since then, things have sometimes been a bit tense. And one of the main reasons is this – tourists are still allowed to climb Uluru – which its Aboriginal owners say is disrespectful since it’s a sacred site. They’ve put a sign at the bottom asking people not to. Some people even want the climb banned altogether.

So thirty years on from the historic Uluru handback there are still a few issues. But there is also plenty worth celebrating too and the Anungu people say they’ll keep protecting Uluru and passing on its stories.

(Source: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4336221.htm)


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