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墨尔本PTE素材库——Solar Transport



墨尔本PTE素材库——Solar Transport




这段报道主要介绍了在阿德莱德举行的太阳能车比赛,该比赛也已在推广太阳能车的开发和应用。超过40个队伍参加了这场比赛,包括来自大学、大型能源公司甚至高中的队伍。这段采访也是一个很好的练习Retell Lecture的材料,并且没有太多生词,也可以用来练习定位关键信息。对听力的整体提高都会有很大的帮助。


  • 太阳能车的原理是什么?
  • 目前太阳能车有哪些问题?

澳大利亚语言学院整理的墨尔本PTE素材库,旨在帮助各位PTE考生整理一些可以用作PTE考试题型练习的素材,可以帮助大家提升dictation、re-tell lecture、Summarize  spoken text 等等题型的能力哦!PTE市面上的素材并不多,练习的题目也不多,所以AIL整理的这些PTE素材库,真的是帮助非常大的哦!

【Key Vocabulary】

solar adj. 太阳的

impressive adj. 感人的,令人钦佩的

massive adj. 大量的,巨大的

funding n. 提供资金

immaculate adj. 完美的,洁净的

solar panel 太阳能电池板

electric engine 电机,电动引擎

petrol n. 汽油

convert v. 转变,转换

plug in (插头)插入,插上电源

Full Transcript

Okay next up we’re travelling to Adelaide where recently more than 40 solar vehicles crossed the finish line of the World Solar Challenge. It’s a pretty impressive feat to make a car that can travel 3000kays using just the power of the sun. But why don’t we see them on our roads every day? Here’s Carl with the answer.

The World Solar Challenge. It’s the biggest event on the solar car-racing calendar.

SOLAR CAR TEAM MEMBER: There are six teams that are competing that are really close together. It will be an exciting race, the differences are small. But in the end of the day, we’re gonna cross first.

The cars have to get from Darwin to Adelaide – more than 3000 kilometres! And they have to do it using only the power of the sun.

AMY GUNNELL, SOLAR CAR DRIVER, TEAM ARROW AUSTRALIA: We’re super excited, happy to have clear roads ahead of us, which means we’ll get out of town really quickly and be on our way to Adelaide.

The goal of the race is to help improve solar car technology. So a lot of teams come from universities or massive tech companies but not all of them.

CAMERON MUTIS, LIBERTY SOLAR TEAM USA: So we’re a high school team, which definitely puts us at a bit of a disadvantage, not having all the funding that these college teams have. So for us to have a car that’s able to compete with these immaculate teams is such a cool experience for us!

The event’s been running since the 1980s and over that time the cars have become faster and more sophisticated. But after almost 30 years are we any closer to actually seeing these things driving around town? Well, to help answer that question we need to understand how they actually work.

Solar cars use solar panels to convert the sun’s energy into electricity. Running on electricity also means solar cars need electric engines instead of petrol ones and they need battery packs to store all of that electricity too. The technology for each of those parts has improved a lot in recent years. Batteries are now smaller, cheaper and can hold more power. Solar panels now convert more of the sun’s energy than they used to and they’re also cheaper.

Electric engines have improved too and lots of companies have even released electric cars that can just be plugged in to recharge at home!

But combining all of that new technology together in a solar car is still a big challenge. Even though the parts are cheaper than they used to be, they’re still pretty expensive. Some of these cars cost millions of dollars to create!

It’s also hard to collect enough energy to move a car using just a few small solar panels on the roof.

That’s why these solar cars are often odd shapes, to catch as much light as possible. And despite the big roofs these cars still have to be very light to travel at a decent speed.

SOLAR CAR TEAM MEMBER: We can hit speeds of about 120 kilometres per hour, the highest speed we’ve ever hit is 132 but we tend to cruise at about 70 or 80, that’s kind of the efficient point of the car.

Another problem is night time, or cloudy days, when there isn’t enough sun around to power them!
And then there’s the issue of space. There’s barely enough room for one person in some of these cars, let alone a whole family or a load of shopping!

But over time these scientists and engineers hope to keep improving their solar cars. And one day you might even be able to drive one to school!

In the meantime though, seeing a solar car in your neighbourhood will probably only happen during special events like this.

CAMERON MUTIS, LIBERTY SOLAR TEAM USA: Just being here halfway across the world getting to race against all these countries it’s just incredible for us, we’re so excited to be here!

(Source: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4336222.htm)


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