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墨尔本PTE素材库——Sugar Tax

墨尔本PTE素材库——Sugar Tax


随着英国政府正式开始征收糖税,名厨Jamie Olivier提出,澳洲政府也应该开始征收类似的税收。众所周知,糖份会引起肥胖症,蛀牙,糖尿病甚至心脏病。虽然行业协会提出,若此项税收正式引入,一定会造成行业的损失,但健康组织却认为这是值得的~

澳大利亚语言学院,定期整理了PTE相关的素材库,给大家大量的练习素材!符合PTE官方所提供的Question Criteria, 最大化大家的复习笑话进度哦!对于这篇视频而言,文章的观点很多,正反两方都有自己的理由。同学们在听的时候一定要仔细,看看能不能把所有的观点都记下来,试试看能不能把大致内容retell 出来哦~

【Key vocabulary】

Obesity n. 肥胖症

Celebrity n. 名人

Grainy adj. 粒状的

Tooth decay 蛀牙

Reckon v. 猜测

Slather v. 大量使用

Slap v. 击掌 (掌掴)

Obese adj. 肥胖

Creep up 慢慢上升


Full Transcript

The UK government has confirmed it will introduce a tax on sugary drinks to help reduce childhood obesity. And now celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has demanded Australia introduce one too. But is it a good idea? We’ll let you decide.

Here are some things you can say about sugar: It’s sweet, it’s grainy, and if you leave it lying around, you’ll get ants. Also people in the UK might soon be paying more for it in sweetened drinks like these. The government there has announced that in two years’ time, drinks containing more than five grams of sugar per 100ml will be hit with a new tax. And the more sugar the drinks contain, the higher the tax will be. It says too many kids are having too much sugar and it’s leading to problems to like obesity, tooth decay, along with diabetes and heart disease later in life.

Celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver, says it’s something other countries like Australia need to think about, too.

JAMIE OLIVER, CHEF: Australia, pull your finger out. Canada, pull your finger out. It’s about time your governments got on this.

Here in Australia, almost half of kids drink sugary drinks every day. And it’s not just the fizzy kind. Juices, energy drinks, sports drinks, even iced teas can contain a lot more sugar than you might think.

MATT HOLBROOK, REPORTER: The World Health organisation reckons we should only be having about six teaspoons of sugar a day. There’s way more than that amount in this juice, nearly 9 teaspoons of sugar, while this cola bottle has sixteen teaspoons. This would be easier to do with a bigger spoon.

And while we’ve all seen ads like these about making healthier eating choices.

ADVERTISEMENT: The sugar in any sugary drink is sugar your body doesn’t need.

A new study’s found that over time our eating habits haven’t really changed much. Three quarters of Aussie kids between 9 and 13 are still getting more than the recommended amount of sugar. So is it time to consider a tax on sugary drinks?

Well, not everyone thinks so. Australia’s food and beverage industry says it’s unfair to target soft drinks because it says these drinks make up just a small part of what we eat and drink every day. They also say it would hurt business, and it could lead to all kinds of other things being taxed, too.

GEOFF PARKER, AUSTRALIAN BEVERAGES COUNCIL: All of a sudden it’s open slather for the government to slap a tax on burgers or pizzas or whatever else it might be.

But some health organisations say the benefits are worth it, and it could make a big difference to our daily sugar intake. So do you think we should have a tax on sugary drinks?

GIRL: I think it’s a really good idea and hopefully it will decrease the amount of obese children and teenagers and adults. And I think if they wanted to do more on it they could make healthy foods cheaper.

BOY: I don’t think ten cents will break the bank so if you want a soft drink you’ll buy a soft drink.

BOY 2: People will still buy the drinks and there’ll be a lot of poor people around everywhere.

GIRL 2: It’s good and bad on both sides because soft drink companies they could go broke and that will cause less jobs.

BOY 3: I think it’ll be a great idea and they should bring it over to Australia as well because Australia’s creeping up the charts with the most obese kids and yeah, I just think it will be a great

(source: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4430573.htm)


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