墨尔本PTE素材库——Protecting Rhinos
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墨尔本PTE素材库——Bionic Boy


墨尔本PTE素材库——Bionic Boy




Riley是一位身患脑麻痹症的男孩,无法像正常人一样生活、行动,他唯一能控制的就是他的眼睛。整篇视频讲述的,是科学家为了能够让他通过眼球的运动来控制身边的机器,比如灯泡,而做出的一系列努力和研究。Riley或许可以通过眼球上下左右的移动,来操控电脑,从而操控他身边的那些东西。最终实验成功,Riley可以通过眼球的运动,来开关家里的灯泡,这的的确确是一个Massive Moment!~

墨尔本PTE素材库,旨在帮助各位PTE的烤鸭们在平时练习、复习备考的阶段,除了一些官方的练习题之外,还能有不少的素材可以练习听力、阅读、口语、写作,不同PTE的题型,例如re-tell lecture,例如summarize spoken test 都是各位考生们比较纠结的难点题型。这个视频的内容会涵盖一些较为专业的词汇,比如医学类,大家可以“混个眼熟”,至少变成自己的阅读词汇,这样对于自己的阅读理解能力会有很大的提升哦!

【Key Vocabulary】



Telekinesis:隔传动,英文释义为the ability to move objects through mind power. 通常也称为psychokinesis.






Full Trancript

13-year old Riley was born with cerebral palsy which makes it difficult for him to do a lot of everyday things. But now he can do pretty much anything with the help of one Aussie scientist and some pretty cool tech. Take a look.

This is Riley. He’s 13, has a little sister and brother, and a dog named Tiny.

CHASE: A lot of people see Riley as different but in my eyes, he’s always the way he has been and he’s just a normal brother to me.

Riley was born with cerebral palsy, so it’s hard for him to do many of the things other kids can. Just to speak he uses a special computer that tracks his eye movements because his eyes are the only part of his body he can control well.

RILEY: The hardest thing for me is not having some independence.

But biomedical engineer Dr Jordan Nguyen has come up with a plan to help.

DR JORDAN NGUYEN: If we can get it working, you’re going to be controlling technology through your eyes. It’s going to be a form of telekinesis. You know, the idea that you can, without touching an object, be able to move an object, be able to turn on an object and be able to control that technology. And I think that idea, it’s like a superhuman power.

With the help of scientists and a team of engineers Jordan has created a device that tracks eye movements like up, down, left and right.

Those movements will act as commands for a computer that will control lots of the things Riley has around his home.

DR JORDAN NGUYEN: If we’re able to work out which signals you’re doing each time, we’re going to be able to control anything, any type of technology we can think of.

After weeks of hard work, and lots of training, Riley and Jordan are ready to test out the new equipment.

DR JORDAN NGUYEN: First Riley’s going to try turning on the light bulb.

DR JORDAN NGUYEN: There we go!

It’s a massive moment, and it means Riley could soon have more control over the things around him. But there’s one more piece of technology Riley has always dreamed of controlling.

RILEY: I want to drive a car.

DR JORDAN NGUYEN: You want to drive a car.

And Jordan and his team reckon their technology is up to the task. Riley will be able to steer the car using the same eye commands as before. But because his eyes won’t be able to stay focused on the road a set of buzzers on his arms will let him know if he gets close to something.

So now it’s time to see if it all works!

DR JORDAN NGUYEN: So, it might not be a car but I think it’s a little bit better. What do you reckon? Yeah? Do you want to give that a go?

DR JORDAN NGUYEN: Keep it straight. Yeah! Yeah! Up, up, up. Whoo-hoo-hoo! Oh, Riley! Oh, my God. You drove a car. Oh, my God. Oh. We got there.

RILEY: Wow. This has been the best experience of my life.

(Source: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4473643.htm)


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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学院PTE备考课程一共四周,由听说读写四项组成。课程将包含大量PTE官方考题资料以及应试技巧,帮助学生在四周的时间内熟悉PTE的考试形式,破题方法以及完成基础词汇的累积。
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