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墨尔本PTE素材库——Food Rescue

墨尔本PTE素材库——Food Rescue


Full Transcript

Recently, the United Nations identified food waste as a growing problem facing the world. It estimated nearly 1 trillion dollars worth of food is now wasted each year. But what can be done about it? Let’s find out.

LEAH, OZHARVEST: So these three things have a couple of things in common. First up, these perfectly good things were going to be thrown in the bin. Secondly we’re going to take this food to people who need it and put it to good use.

CARL SMITH, REPORTER: Leah is an OzHarvest driver.

She collects and delivers food that would otherwise end up in the bin.

And today I’m tagging along with her to help out.

REPORTER: What are we doing today?

LEAH: Just picking up items from places they can’t use, they can’t sell, either because it’s past the use by date or the package has been opened, and taking it to people in need.

REPORTER: So this is all perfectly edible food at the moment?

LEAH: Absolutely, nothing wrong with it whatsoever!

OzHarvest trucks collect food from shopping centres, butchers, fruit and veg shops and bakeries! All that food can make a really big difference for those in need.

LEAH: I’ve picked up this whole box of almonds, with a used by date of the second of May, so there’s nothing wrong with them. I’ve got 11 trays of cakes that’ll go down really well. Somebody went really early this morning and picked up a pallet of milk. So we’ve got meat – meat – as well yes these things are gold. Lovely fresh fruit.

REPORTER: Looks pretty good to me!

LEAH: Absolutely! I’d eat it!

REPORTER: How much food is just being wasted at the moment, how much food are you guys moving around Adelaide?

LEAH: We pick up roughly 45 to 50 tonnes a month. So that’s enough to feed about 150,000 meals. It’s phenomenal. And that’s just in South Australia!

Right across Australia huge amounts of food’s being wasted every day. In fact a new study from Victoria has just found that 3.5 kilograms of food is grown for every person in Melbourne each day. But people are only eating 1.2 kilograms of that. That means close to two thirds is ending up in the bin!

That’s why people like Leah are working hard to find ways to put that food to better use. And even school kids like these guys are lending a hand to help pass that food on to people in their local community.

KID: We’re packaging food to give to other people that really need it.

KID: Well we’ve got milk. We’ve got a couple of doughnuts, We’ve got a big hunk of bread just for the family for lunches, and some fruit, some pears.

KID: Yeah it’s fun, good experience; we get to work as a team.

And they say there are plenty of other things you can do to reduce food waste.

KID: You could eat it for the next day for lunch or something if you’ve got leftovers. You could freeze it, put it in the fridge.

KID: Plan out how much food you need instead of just like grabbing all these things and not using half of it and just chucking it out. And you can like use it for, if you do gardening, you can compost it and stuff.

KID: Well they really appreciate what we’re doing and giving them, and they come in every Tuesday and yeah we just give away all this food that’s donated to us from OzHarvest.

(Source: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4482981.htm)






【Key Vocabulary】

tag along with 陪同,尾随

edible adj. 可食用的

tray n. 托盘

phenomenal adj. 现象级的

leftover n. 剩菜

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