PTE考试听力部分包含了从多个选项中多选答案的题型。在考试过程中,考生需要听一段学术内容相关录音,然后从所给选项中选择不止一个的正确答案,整个考试中可能会出现2-3道听力多选题;该题型中的录音大约持续40-90秒,每段录音只播放一次。 墨尔本PTE考试答题技巧总结之PTE听力里的多选题
第四,注意任何标志性词语及转折词、过渡词,如Then, so, however, etc., 很可能是重点需要关注的内容。
Last week we looked at urban regeneration and some of the consequences of this, one of which was the relocation of people from urban to suburban areas, to, er, to largely allow them a better standard of living – because housing is cheaper in the suburbs, so they have more disposable income. But they have to commute, and commuters need rapid transport to get them from A to B. So subway construction is, well, it’s booming in some parts of the world – it’s clearly being seen as the ‘answer’ to the type of migration that I’ve just mentioned. It often gets huge public support because – well – if a subway’s going to help you have a better lifestyle. Then what’s there to argue about? Well, quite a lot actually. For a start, in order to go ahead with a major project of this kind you need to be absolutely sure that the ground, and more to the point,what lies beneath the ground can support underground transport. And to address questions like that, engineers have to be really experienced, really knowledgeable about the local area, water levels, land formation and so on. And those key issues are what I want to focus on today. Passengers don’t think about construction, they trust other, better qualified people to do it for them, and governments have to choose these people very carefully.
题干关键词为subway construction, 提醒考生在录音中需要注意这方面的相关信息;以及will talk about,也就是演讲人接下来还会继续讲解的内容,这样大家知道,如果仅仅是简介一下的信息就可以排除了。
录音中有一句“Then, what’s there to argue about?”就是一句标志性的话,之前的内容都是对于subway相关主题的简单介绍,而接下来要说的,才是subway construction真正相关的内容。与阅读不同的是,在听力考试中,通过判断录音中speaker的重音,音调等,都能寻找到相关的重点。所以这句话,很可能是重读的,并且相较之前的语调语气有所变化。
A the funding of projects 录音中完全没有提到任何跟资金有关的信息,排除。
B the speed of trains 录音中也没有提到任何和列车速度相关的信息,排除。
C geological conditions 原文中蓝色部分即是讲述需要关注的地理状况,关键字ground, what lies beneath the ground, support. 大家可以看到,本选项和原文完全没有一样的单词,甚至没有同义词出现。需要大家自己根据常识判断原文中的这句话讲述的即是geological conditions,测试大家的归纳推断能力。
D employing professionals 原文中绿色字体部分讲述的就是这个内容,关键词engineers,experienced, really knowledgeable. 再次注意,本选项也没有出现任何原文中的单词或同义词,需要自己理解归纳。
E public approval 原文中虽然出现了public support,但是仅仅是在简介中简单提到,并不是跟subway construction相关的内容,speaker在接下来的演讲中显然不会继续讨论这个话题,排除。
F passenger movement 和上题一样,虽然原文中提到了get…from A to B, 但是出现在简介部分,跟subway construction没有关系,显然也不会在接下来的演讲中出现,排除。