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【PTE真题】Summarize Written Text高频真题详解,满分Sample Answer,不学亏大发了!




All non-human animals are constrained by the tools that nature has bequeathed them through natural selection. They are not capable of striving towards truth; they simply absorb information, and behave in ways useful for their survival. The kinds of knowledge they require of the world have been largely pre-selected by evolution. No animal is capable of asking questions or generating problems that are irrelevant to its immediate circumstances or its evolutionarily-designed needs. When a beaver builds a dam, it doesn’t ask itself why it does so, or whether there is a better way of doing it. When a swallow flies south, it doesn’t wonder why it is hotter in Africa or what would happen if it flew still further south.Humans do ask themselves these and many other kinds of questions, questions that have no relevance, indeed make little sense, in the context of evolved needs and goals. What marks out humans is our capacity to go beyond our naturally-defined goals such as the need to find food, shelter or a mate and to establish human-created goals.Some contemporary thinkers believe that there are indeed certain questions that humans are incapable of answering because of our evolved nature. Steven Pinker, for instance, argues that “Our minds evolved by natural selection to solve problems that were life-and-death matters to our ancestors, not to commune with correctness or to answer any question we are capable of asking. We cannot hold ten thousand words in our short-term memory. We cannot see ultra-violet light. We cannot mentally rotate an object in the fourth dimension. And perhaps we cannot solve conundrums like free will and sentience.”


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第一段中,开头的主题句表明了观点:动物(的思考)受到了自然界提供的工具的限制。之后连续给出两句解释,都是可以跳过的。第四句话对于内容进行补充,其实最关键的信息词语就只有asking questions or generating problems。
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这是一个典型的举例考点。保留下来的主要含义是:人也有做不到的事情。当出现For instance这个词语时,基本就决定了接下去的所有内容都是在举例,因此我们也不用太过关注其中的细节。(79分的同学可以适当看一下词汇去paraphrase,65分的同学可以完全无视。)
考点Check List:
Key Words: Animals, Constrained, Natural Selections, Asking Questions, Generating Problems⊙人类比较牛X,可以超越本能
Key Words: Humans, Capacity, Beyond, Establish Goals⊙但人类也有做不到的事情
Key Words: Incapable, Evolved Nature



Sample Answers
65分精简版:All non-human animals are constrained, in terms of their capability of asking questions or generating problems, by the tools that nature has bequeathed them through natural selection, and what marks out humans is our capacity to go beyond our naturally-defined goals and to establish human-created goals, but there are indeed certain questions that humans are incapable of answering because of our evolved nature. (63 Words)这个版本的答案完全使用了原文,仅做了一定程度的微调。如果需要把几句话并在一起的话,除了and/but/because之外,插入语也是一个非常容易使用的技巧。



Unlike animals that could only absorb information pre-selected by the nature, humans can ask themselves questions which are irrelevant to naturally-defined needs and goals, but some contemporary thoughts believe that humans are also incapable of answering certain questions due to the evolved nature. (43 Words)


另外需要注意的是,PTE的SWT其实有很多的“正确答案”。只要满足了关键词的筛选,其实句子的复杂度以及学术词语的选取,从很大意义上来说都不会有太多影响。同学们可以参照我们的Check List来评估自己的答案。如果不确定的同学也可以在下面留言,给出自己的答案,我们会帮你分析。


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