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【PTE口语】Repeat Sentence一长就记不住?独家节点记忆法这就教你分分钟搞定长难句!
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【PTE真题】Reorder Paragraphs陷阱多,来看这道真题你能不能拿满分吧~



A. Over the years, I have had the opportunities to observe and understand the thought process behind the ads that have been flooding both the print and the TV.
B. There is an increasing attempt by most companies to be seen as cool and funky.
C. Proportionally, the numbers of ads that lack in quality have gone up exponentially as well.
D. Although there is a huge shift in the quality of ads that we come across on daily basis thanks essentially to improvement in technology – I somehow can’t help but feel that the quality of communication of the message has become diluted.
E. Another reason could be the burgeoning number of companies, which means an exponential increase in the number of ads that are being made.


A. Over the years, I have had the opportunities to observe and understand the thought process behind the ads that have been flooding both the print and the TV.扫一遍A选项,内容比较像Introduction,引出话题Ads. 说明这段文字很可能是关于广告的讨论。我们先继续往下看其他选项,就可以确定是否A是Intro
B. There is an increasing attempt by most companies to be seen as cool and funky.这里提到了an increasing attempt,但是具体为什么他们要attempt to be seen cool and funky呢?逻辑上本选项暂时是孤立的,但可以确定的是B和A应该没有衔接关系。我们接下来去找与B选项逻辑上有所联系的段落。
C. Proportionally, the numbers of ads that lack in quality have gone up exponentially as well.C选项的关键词是proportionally, gone up exponentially, as well,说明这段话里提到的gone up和之前提到的某个变化是成比例的,那么我们就继续寻找哪个选项有提到这方面的内容,C选项就肯定是接在它之后的。
D. Although there is a huge shift in the quality of ads that we come across on daily basis thanks essentially to improvement in technology – I somehow can’t help but feel that the quality of communication of the message has become diluted.D选项扫一遍可以发现它是对A选项进一步的解释,作者在此更详细的表达了自己对于现在广告的观点。所以D应该是在A选项之后的。


E. Another reason could be the burgeoning number of companies, which means an exponential increase in the number of ads that are being made.

E选项的exponential increase和C选项里的Proportionally, gone up exponentially对应上了C选项里说的成比例增长,就是和E里提到的increase成比例。所以C选项肯定是在E选项之后的。


我们需要注意到E选项一开始就说Another reason,说明在此之前作者已经提到过一个reason了,E选项才可能是another. 纵观所有选项,只有B选项能作为出现在E之前的reason,所以B是在E之前,D之后的。



Key Vocabulary

☑ funky adj. 时髦的

☑ proportionally adv. 成比例地

☑ exponentially adv. 以指数方式

☑ shift n. 转变

☑ on a daily basis 每日,天天发生的

☑ diluted adj. 稀释的

☑ burgeoning adj. 增长迅速的

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