墨尔本PTE素材库——Park Design
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墨尔本PTE素材库——Protecting Rhinos

墨尔本PTE素材库——Protecting Rhinos





澳大利亚语言学院整理的PTE素材库,旨在帮助各位PTE的烤鸭们在平时练习、复习备考的阶段,除了一些官方的练习题之外,还能有不少的素材可以练习听力、阅读、口语、写作,不同PTE的题型,例如re-tell lecture,例如summarize spoken test 都是各位考生们比较纠结的难点题型。这个视频的内容和transcript并不算特别难,对于大家用来练习听力和阅读都非常的有帮助。大家完全可以摘抄下来这些生词和表达方式 ,争取把他们变成自己的东西哦!



Full Transcript

REPORTER: My journey is starting in the Kruger National Park region. This wildlife reserve covers a large area. I can’t quite believe that I’m so close to all of these wild animals. Just behind me there’s a herd of zebras. Over there there’s some buffalo and off in the distances there’s some rhino just chilling out. It might look like there’s loads of animals around, but actually keeping these animals safe is quite a tough job.

The problem is being caused by poaching which is the illegal hunting on animals.
Across Africa since 2008 nearly 6000 rhino have been lost. Poachers hunt animals like rhino and elephants to sell their body parts. Although lots of leaders around the world have made an agreement to stop illegal animal parts from coming in to their countries, it’s still happening and it hasn’t stopped the poachers.

I’ve been invited by head Ranger Chris to join him on one of his patrols. Day in, day out, the rangers here must check on all the animals and make sure none of them have been a victim of poaching overnight.

REPORTER: What’s going on with his horn? Why is his horn like that?

CHRIS: You see the horn there is rather square. All that’s happened is we de-horned him.

REPORTER: Is that quite sad because it’s part of their identity isn’t it?

CHRIS: I wanted to cry when we cut them off, but to save the rhinos we have no option but to do it.

REPORTER: How long until there aren’t many rhinos left?

CHRIS: Well, they’re disappearing at an alarming rate now and I reckon in 15 years they’ll be finished there won’t be any rhino left in the wild. You’ll only see them in pictures and in a zoo.

REPORTER: My journey’s now taking me to the Eastern Cape of South Africa and one of the most high tech wildlife reserves in the world.

I’ve seen the problems that poaching has caused and now I’ve come to meet the people who say they may have a solution.

‘LB’ leads a team of rangers who are using technology in the fight against poaching.

LB: We test different types of technologies and try to prove the application how they can be successful in the field anything from boots all the way up to advanced sensors that have never been used before.

The animals are most at risk at night, because the dark makes it harder for the poachers to be seen.

Whilst out in the field, we use specialist night vision cameras to help us try to spot any poachers or anything out of the ordinary.

Why do you think poachers risk their lives to do something like this?

LB: A lot of times they have nothing else because there’s so much poverty here, they don’t have another way to make money and they can make more money so fast here that they’re willing to do it.

LB and his team never give up and they work through the night to keep the animals safe.

In the last 10 years, half of the world’s rhino have been killed. If poaching continues at this rate, the species will be wiped from the face of the planet for good. Humans have caused this problem and the demand for ivory and horn needs to stop. But people like Chris, LB and you can be the solution.

(Source: http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4469200.htm)


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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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