墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2968
墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2970
A. Soon he was on a mission, building a machine full of taped laugh tracks that would evolve to become the industry standard after Douglass’s laugh-track debut in 1950 on The Hank McCune Show.   

B. Charley Douglass didn’t like the laughter he was hearing.   

C. So he took a page from radio producers before him who had pioneered the use of recorded laughter, most notably when Bing Crosby began pre-recording his show – which allowed his engineers to add or subtract the laughs in post-production.   


D. The sound engineer, who was working at CBS in the early days of television, hated that the studio audiences on the US TV channel’s shows laughed at the wrong moments, didn’t laugh at the right moments, or laughed too loudly or for too long.   

E. Douglass copped the technique for CBS and began amping up or tamping down laughter recordings according to the effect he wanted, rather than relying on audiences’ natural reactions.

Answers: B D C E A
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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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