墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2960
墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2962

A. Each clan had a spiritual connection with a specific piece of land.   

B. At the time of European discovery and settlement, up to one million Aboriginal people lived across the continent as hunters and gatherers.   

C. However, they also travelled widely to trade, find water and seasonal produce and for ritual and totemic gatherings.   

D. Australia’s Aboriginal people were thought to have arrived here by boat from South East Asia during the last Ice Age, at least 50,000 years ago.   

E. They were scattered in 300 clans and spoke 250 languages and 700 dialects.

Answers: D B E A C
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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