墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2958
墨尔本PTE 阅读排序 2960

A. The link with Friday comes from Christians remembering this event on Good Friday.   

B. Although fewer people choose to drive their cars on that day, a 1993 study published in the British Medical Journal concluded that the number of car accidents on Friday 13th is higher than on other Fridays.   

C. Friday 13th is believed the unluckiest of all days.   

D. From the same origin there arose the belief that if 13 people sit down at table, one of the assembly will die within the year.   

E. The doom associated with 13 is a superstition that probably stems from the Last Supper of Jesus with his 12 disciples, one of whom – Judas Iscariot – would betray him.

Answers: C B E A D
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