墨尔本 PTE 段落朗读 4930
墨尔本 PTE 段落朗读 4931

A. For example, stable personality characteristics, such as neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness, account for almost 50% of the measurable variability in motivation, which means any observable difference in people’s motivation can be largely predicted from a very early age.   

B. Although motivation is often celebrated as a talent leveler – a malleable state that can be trained and enhanced at will – it is important to understand that it has a strong dispositional and genetic basis.   

C. So while it may be easier to change your level of ambition than it is to lose weight, it’s not as easy as most people think.   

D. In addition, large meta-analytic studies in behavioural genetics suggest that around 50% of the variability in those same generic personality traits is due to hereditary (compared to, say, 80% for human weight, and 90% for height).

Answers: B A D C
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墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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