墨尔本 PTE 段落朗读 4926
墨尔本 PTE 段落朗读 4927

A. The three vault rooms lie on the far side of the cathedral room, two lying to the left of the tunnel shaft, one to the right.   

B. None of the vault rooms are situated in a direct line down the tunnel from the entrance.   

C. Were there to be any explosion inside the facility, this feature would direct the shock waves back out the tunnel, diverting them from the vault rooms on either side.   

D. The layout is purposeful.   

E. Instead, at the architect’s behest, the workers carved out a concave indentation in the rock as a security measure.

Answers: A D B E C
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
墨尔本PTE 澳大利亚语言学校AIL
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